Sunday, February 18, 2007

I give you Jacqui O!

Well, maybe not Jacqueline Kennedy, but my very own Romily! She adores these sunglasses I bought her today - probably because Mummy and Daddy never let her handle their glasses!

And good news - I have a new job and I finally got motivated to start cutting squares and triangles for the flying geese quilt I am making for baby Campbell.

This is after I dragged myself off my 'deathbed' after succumbing to yet another mystery gastric viral infection - this one hit me the day after I resigned my job! I had to take almost two full days off work - it wasn't a good look, so I went to get a doctor's certificate to prove I was actually sick. Although any of my colleagues who saw me on Thursday knew I was, to use a very Australian term, crook as a dog. I felt like death warmed up. There's enough cliches for you!

Anyway, although I am not 100%, I felt much improved today - sufficiently compus mentis to start cutting fabric anyway. I will have to use some fusible webbing on one piece I accidentally cut 1/2" too short! Oops. By the time I quilt it, no one will ever know...I hope!

I also discovered that I need more fabric. Shame that really!

Oh and for any Aussie quilters or those further away who may be looking for some new fabrics... visit

They have good prices and an amazing collection - most of which I haven't seen before (not that I get out much!).

We had a good weekend - yesterday we had about 1o adults and 6 chidren around to help celebrate Carl's birthday. It was madness and mayhem and we had to put poor little Bashkaa away in our bedroom for the day - and endure his plaintive wailings (I did go and visit him a couple of times to make sure he was okay!). But Carl and Rom had a great time - I was a trooper and tried to keep my distance from everyone so I didn't cross-infect.

Am pretty tired now, and the new season of CSI is about to debut on telly, so off I pop for a bit of choc and relaxation.

More about the new job in my next post.


  1. Now that is one cool chick! Hope you are all better soon. No fun being sick.

  2. So sorry to read that you've been sick .... not good at the best of times and with your heatwave I'm sure it wasn't very pleasant at all. Love the photo of Romily - it put a big smile on my face.

  3. Is this the new season we got last September? IF so you are really going to like it. It's darker, weirder, and much less wrapped up in just one episode. Tape or tivo them so you can watch them will be worth it if you are a fan of the show.

    LOVE the glasses..rose colored and all. She is getting to be such a big girl these days!

  4. I love that fabric website. That's where I bought the main fabric for my current project. I look forward to seeing your flying geese come together.


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