Monday, October 30, 2006

Crazy colours!

So here are my four-patch and feature blocks all laid out for sewing. I'm pretty happy with how the colours have worked out together. Boy it's bright though! All the books tell you that babies can only distinguish bright colours and that pastels, while pretty, don't do much for the babies.

My plan is to stich these together and then I'll add quite a wide plain yellow border. Then I'll bind it in hot pink. The backing fabric I've chosen is lime green, so it should all look good. I hope!

I'll try to get the blocks sewn tomorrow night, as we have my father-in-law and his companion arriving Friday afternoon for a four-day visit, so I won't get any quilting done this weekend.


I do have some news though - I have finished quilting Romily's quilt!!!!!!! Oh my goodness I was beginning to think I'd never finish. I'll trim it and take some photos and post them later in the week. I'm going to have to take the whole thing into the shop so they can help me choose fabric for binding. And help me work out exactly how much I need - I am so hopeless at calculating these things :)

I am really happy with how it's turned out. It's far from perfect but I am happy that a) I finished and b) that I think the way I've quilted it really adds to the texture of the quilt and helps tie all the sample blocks together as a cohesive whole. It's a bit 'bubbly' in places, but only a little so probably only I will notice it's not as smooth as it could/should be. I certainly wasn't going to unpick it! Posted by Picasa


  1. Love those colorful blocks!

  2. I love it too. I'm going through a bright colour phase at the moment, so it caught my eye.

  3. Anonymous12:52 am

    Hi Lily,
    I love the baby quilt, she will adore all those bright colors. Our Romily is going to care her beautiful quilt with her every where...I can't wait to see hertreaspseing around with it. I'm hanging in there have missed you and hopefully I'm getting my act together and my pity party is now finished for now.. It's cold here 28 degrees but nno snow which is fine with me... Hugs to you my friend...


Thanks for stopping by!