Monday, October 30, 2006

Cheeky monkey

Before I finished the quilting, Romily started showing a strong interest in what I was doing. I showed her some of the 'pictures' on the quilt (trees, stars, ladies) and she really wanted to get her hands on it for a proper look. I wouldn't let her, as I am not quite ready for sticky hands to be all over it, so I didn't give it to her. She didn't throw a tantrum to my surprise...then I turned away for a second and put the quilt down on my chair. I turned back to find this --->

I think she likes it!!

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  1. How precious!!!!!

  2. She looks like she is saying,

    "Who me?"

  3. Yep, think your daughter likes the quilt!! and the bright baby quilt is great!!
    I do not have children, but if the books say bright is what is good then that quilt should be great :O) its nice and bright and cherry!!!

  4. Butter wouldn't melt! the little minx - good job you didn't leave a needle in it :o)

  5. That is super cute!

  6. Anonymous10:11 pm

    stop hacking that fringe! it is very similar to the hacking you received from your grandfather! can you guess who this is?

  7. Anonymous12:54 am

    Ah our sweetie has great taste ,,,,,,Hugs Tina

  8. Hi Lily, I think your little angel has a mind of her own..LOL And of course, very good taste!!

    And it might be partly that the quilt is something you are paying attention to instead of her..*S* Best keep quilting..quickly! Hugs, Finn


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