Tuesday, June 19, 2007

No monkey business...

...but plenty of funny bunnies, pretty kitties and brazen bears.

My little softie buddies are coming along - they are all made and stuffed - but so far remain faceless and nameless. They're also not completely dressed - I've ties, scarves, hair and other bits and pieces to make and appliqué onto the bodies.

They're all destined for different homes, except for the two bears, who are going to my nephews for their birthdays in September. I think I'll probably have finished them by then!

The bunny (big ears) is going to baby Jack, who is around two months old, and one of the kitties is going to Molly, who is about three weeks old. Romy will get the second kitty. She'll be beside herself when she sees them all - I'm not letting her touch them, as I want them to go their new homes clean! No sticky lolly fingers thanks very much :)

These have been quite fun to make, but I'm also looking forward to starting on the next quilty project. I think it'll have to be the Christmas table runners I was going to make for last Christmas!


~Bren~ said...

So cute!! I can hear squeals of delight when your little one sees them. A nice gift from your hands and heart :0) Bren

Jenni said...

They're very cute Lily. Romily will be excited when she sees them. I hope you can preserve them for gift giving.

Unknown said...

Very cute - it'll be fun giving them different facial expressions

Clare said...

Lily they are gorgeous and, yes, no sticky fingers or chocolate faces near them yet. On that subject just be warned that the sticky fingers and choc lips never end. Alex is still always covered in Nutella.

Patti said...

What cute little guys! I can hardly wait to see them when they are finished. Their new "parents" will love them!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

They really are cute, Tracey

Anonymous said...

I am lost for words. If only Mrs Ogilvy could see your blog!!! I think I'll see what I can do to enlighten her!
Your gape-jaw mother.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lily, your monkies are so cute....Happy Belated Birthday!!!!It looks like you had a great day. You have to share your receipe with me for your roasted pumpkin and potatoes, it sounds yummy. Chemo is going good, only five more treatments to go....I'm reading a light hearted book by Katie MacCalister Hard Day Knight...so far pretty cute... Well girl 36 isn't so bad I'll be 45 this year in September so hard to believe... Ugh where does the time go. Luv ya Tina