Friday, June 22, 2012

The Lemonade Quilt

A friend of mine was diagnosed recently with bowel cancer - she is only in her 20s so this came as quite a shock - especially for her! Fortunately she is smart as a whip and was straight onto it - so was her doctor. She had surgery just about straight away and is now recovering, with the wonderful news that the cancer hadn't spread. Talk about a close call.

The cancer has come on top of a very hard seven years for her and I just could not believe so much bad stuff could happen to one person, who just happens to be one of the loveliest, smartest women I know. She is taking it all in her stride (although I am sure she has her moments - don't we all?), albeit metaphorically at the present, as she is still a little sore from the surgery. I couldn't do anything material to support her (she's in Brisbane, I am in Canberra), except, to make a quilt! (A little fabric pun in there for all you stashaholics!)
I recently bought this ace book by Alissa Haight Carlton, and was inspired by the cover quilt to make a lovely lemony quilt for my friend.

I used up some yellows from my stash and paired them with some Kona Snow to create a monochromatic modern minimalist quilt (how's that for alliteration?). Instead of repeating the darkest yellow for the binding, I thought it would be better framed in a battleship grey and found the perfect shade at my LQS, Addicted to Fabric. I quilted it with double wavy lines and it's backed in a bright sunny spotty fabric I bought at Spotlight.

While I really wanted to call it the Gin and Tonic quilt, I thought she might want to share it with her gorgeous kids, so, instead called it The Lemonade Quilt (because when life gives you lemons...reach for the gin and, make some lemonade).

The quilt is now living on my friend's bed and I hope it makes her happy.


  1. A monochromatic modern minimalist quilt! Love it Lily!! What a lovely thing for your friend, I'll raise my G&T glass to her health and your friendhip!

  2. Such a lovely comforting thing to do for someone far away Lily - it's a great quilt, I love the colours.

  3. Yellow is so bright, sunny and cheerful...I am sure she's happy, who wouldn't be with a wonderful quilt and a friend like you? I love your label, well done Lily!

  4. What a lovely friend you are. I hope she continues to recover quickly. That quilt is beautiful, the spotty backing is just perfect!

  5. She'll love it. A little love from a friend will make all the difference. I wish her well in her recovery.

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