Sunday, July 17, 2011

Romily's new (old) quilt

Warning: Quilt-related content!!

Gosh, I wonder if it was the guilt of putting my blog into hibernation? Not sure what caused it, but I pulled out a very ancient work in progress this weekend - Romily's Eye Candy quilt, which I started way back here and here (three years ago - whoops!).

Of course, I had used most of that fabric in the meantime, so it was back to the drawing board. I had heaps of Prints Charming 70s Rainbow Garden fabric left from Rom's 4th birthday party when I made cute gift bags for all the guests, so I decided to delve into that. It's perfect for a little girl's quilt. I also discovered the design wasn't quite the right size for Rom's bed and it was far too fiddly (read = time-consuming). Besides, with that riotous fabric, simpler is best!So, the sewn strips have been crosscut and the piecing has begun. Here is the bottom section of the quilt - it's going to have that green/blue chain all around the perimeter, with several chains criss-crossing the interior. Hopefully I'll have a chance to do a bit more during the week - the time pressure is on, as I re-start uni this semester and I also have to do some Army reserve work too. No rest for the wicked!
Also, Quilting Fitzy asked for some recent pictures of Romily and Tristan. Here they are last weekend doing some painting :)


  1. No, that can't be Tristan. Love the colours in Romliys quilt!

  2. *GASP*

    OH MY GOODNESS! They've gotten SO big! Romily's haircut is gorgeous, fits her perfectly, and Tristan? Old enough for a big boy haircut, and looking quite dapper!

    I think the busier you get, the more you can fit in...or you just DO. You'll make it work, I'm confident.

    Thanks for the photos. It reminded me of The Artful Parent blog, which I just love too!

  3. Wow - they've grown haven't they? Romily is looking so grown up - love her hair cut and Tristan is looking cuter by the day.


Thanks for stopping by!