Thursday, December 23, 2010

Goodbye 2010

Poor, poor, neglected blog. Poor, poor, neglected readers! You want reasons? I got 'em:
  • First, I got too busy (work, schmerk).
  • Second, this is my 500th post and I wanted to run a give-away (sorry about that).
  • Third, I haven't really been crafting (sad, but true).
Since my last post (IN SEPTEMBER WHAT THE?), I have made one dress (that fits!), started quilting my father-in-law's quilt (that I am supposed to be gifting to him on Christmas Day - whoops), fixed Romily's scratchy Tinkerbell costume waistband (with a strip of batting/wadding!) in time for her last day at Preschool (it was dress-up day), and finally made Tristan's Santa stocking (which I started before LAST Christmas). He now has a matching pair to Romily's, which I made back in 2007.Dire, dire, dire effort! In my defence, I have been ultra-busy at work, so much so that I am exhausted each evening and have no energy to study, craft or write anything much at all.

I did, however, manage to turn out a Christmas story, which will be published at 3pm on Christmas Day (Australian time). You can read it here, with a bunch of other Christmas-themed stories (but not in the cheesy, Xmas kind of way!): Mixed Tapes Volume 1, Deck the Halls. Make sure you become a 'fan' of the page so you get all the links to the stories :)

I hope you are all well and looking forward to spending some time with your families over Christmas. I am looking forward to 2011 - this has been a tough year for so many people in so many ways. Onwards!


  1. Lovely to hear from you Lily - so many of the old regular bloggers seem to post so infrequently now (myself included) - love the stockings - wishing you and yours a magical Christmas and a less frenetic but healthy happy and prosperous 2011 xxx

  2. Hi Lily, those stockings look wonderful! I hope you’ll have a wonderful Christmas time with your family and a happy and healthy 2011!

  3. I have missed you Lily!! Love the stockings!

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Glad to hear you are alive. lol At least you sewed some things!!
    Merry Christmas!

  5. My poor blog has been neglected too - love the stockings you have made, my 3 still have store bought ones.... oh well, another thing on my list for next year already lol!

  6. i'm sure you will not leave us happens and I am sure you will find a way to get back to us even if it is brief........congrats on 500 posts I just made it to 800.......

  7. Oh Lily, I'm the same! I haven't done a craft blog post since July! :o. As for the actual crafting, pretty pitiful here too, hopefully 2011 will be our year!

  8. I hear ya, Lily! Life is just crazy!!!! Gorgeous stockings and dress, though. Gorgeous! Hope you had a fabulous Christmas and your New Year's is quieter and more relaxing!


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