Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tristan is two!

It's not until you experience it yourself that you understand how quickly children grow! I cannot believe my baby is two years old - but he is. And he's adorable. Most of the time ;)

And it's so wonderful to see the children getting along so well (again, most of the time!). Carl and I feel very blessed.

(Look at my growing-up-so-fast girl. This photo is scarily prescient! And yes, the buttefly pyjamas used to be Rom's!)


  1. happy birthday.........

  2. Happy Birthday Tristan! You and your sister look adorable, wearing your mom’s shoes!

  3. AWW, Lily, they are so precious. Romily is growing so fast. You are blessed that they get along so well. Happy Birthday Tristan!

  4. Where does that time go? Romily is so tall now! My boy wears pink pyjamas but he hasn't noticed yet ;)

  5. Oh, just traumatised by this!!! He can't be 2, they all grow up too quick!! Very cute as well! Tracey

  6. Happy second birthday to Tristan! I can totally emphasise with you on them growing up too fast, here I am sorting out school enrolments for Austy, and can't believe that mybaby girl will also be 2 soon. The first one grows as fast as a ferrari, and then the second one almost goes past the sound barrier! It is so wonderful though when they get along so well. I often watch my two and it seems like Austy treats her as a special gift we gave him one day. She obviously adores him too, but sometimes she likes to take advantage of his doting! Seeinmg them together makes it all worth while.


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