Monday, April 12, 2010

Poor, neglected blog!

This poor little blog, abandoned but not forgotten. Life just keeps getting in the way of crafting and blogging. And I am sorry I have been unable to come visiting with my blogging buddies. My research/studies are taking up a lot of my time, and, in what little free time I have, I am usually too tired from work and looking after kids to pull out the sewing machine/quilting tools.
I have been doing quite a bit of handquilting on Tristan's Very Hungry Caterpillar quilt, which I started way back before he was born, but there's not a lot to show for it (above picture is of the finished top, pre-machine quilting - it looks a bit different now - will post a photo when it's done). We went to Bendigo for Easter and I spent the evenings stitching away (how lovely). I showed the quilt in progress to Tristan, whose reaction was: 'wowowow!' - I think he likes it! He loves the book and is constantly bringing it to me saying: 'Mummy. Story. Cat-pillar. Story.' He's already a man who knows what he wants!

Tristan is 19 months old already. As I keep saying, they grow so fast. Rom will be five in August and is loving preschool. She will definitely be ready for school next year.


  1. Yahhh, a post from Lily. You have a lot on your plate at the moment, I'm happy to see a post from you whenever you can squeeze one in. x

  2. Ditto what Helen said!!
    So glad Mr T likes the cat-piller book! One of my favourites!

  3. Looks Good Lily, I am quilting the Hungry Caterpillar quilt I started for Beth just after she was born, she will be 2 next month!

  4. Lily I love this!
    He's such a friendly looking fellow and the colours are wonderful.
    That book is on high rotation here too, with lots of little words thrown in along the way.

  5. So cute. This was one of my girls favorite books when they were little. :0)

  6. I am not surprised Tristan loves the quilt - I think it's fantastic too!


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