Tuesday, March 02, 2010

18 months

Time flies when you're having fun, so the old saying goes. But I'm wondering where on earth the past 18 months has gone? And wondering how my child-bearing days whizzed by without so much as a 'by your leave'?

Here's proof that it has! Tristan has grown a lot since I took this photo at one month old (on his fab 'Winter's Garden quilt made by some lovely friends in my online quilting group).Playing 'peekaboo'!And one with his big sister, who he loves and adores (and sometimes shows his enthusiasm by whacking her with whatever whacking object he can lay his hands on, all the while cackling like a madman!).
And here's one of Miss Romily herself, after the party on Saturday, where she 'won' a mini-face painting set in pass the parcel. I promised her a butterfly when we got home. Then I tossed her into bed for a sleep - she's got a slight summer cold/cough and was absolutely wrecked - you can tell from this photo!


  1. Anonymous2:30 pm

    What a beautiful baby quilt!!! And it was fun to see how he has grown! I have 7 grandchildren and can identify! Thanks for sharing.

  2. How time flies Lily! Mr cackling and mrs butterfly look both adorable!

  3. Romilly must be very patient if she can put up with being whacked with whatever comes to hand!

    Great photos.

  4. You have gorgeous kids. I remember sewing my block for that quilt - my first ever venture into foundation piecing!

  5. Beautiful kids and I like to see them getting along like that. I don't know where time goes! My baby will be 39 next week. It seems like yesterday that my kids were the age of yours. Enjoy them as babies while you can.

  6. that is so crazy to see how fast kids grow! your kids are adorable :)

  7. How cute is he!! growing so fast! Miss R doesn't look to well hope she is better soon!

  8. Wow time goes by so fast doesn't it! Gorgeous photos of both of your little darlings


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