Thursday, December 03, 2009

Romilina Ballerina

I took my little gorgeous to her first ballet performance late this afternoon - the English National Ballet's Angelina Ballerina's Star Performance. I managed to get seats in the middle of the second row (it's a miracle - this never happens!) and we had a lovely time, Romily mesmerised by the dancers and me entranced by Romily. She ended up sitting in the front row directly in front of me, as the lady who was sitting in front of us had to hold her too-young daughter on her lap for the entire performance. Romily reseated herself in the spare chair without so much as a by your leave :) I loved watching her. She was clapping in the right places and just itching to get up and dance. And despite some other mothers letting their little girls go crazy up the front near the stage, Rom remained in her seat until interval and then until the end before she did some of her own dancing. Bless her.
And what better to wear to the ballet than your brand new skirt? I am making two of these: one for Rom and one for her friend Rhiannon who's turning 5. The prototype is Rom's. I'm glad I made a trial one first, as there are a couple of things I'll tweak on the second one. I also didn't make the elastic tight enough, so know how much more I need to reduce it by. Fortunately I haven't yet sewn up the opening in the waistband casing, so I can easily adjust Rom's. The skirt will get a second outing on Saturday at Rhiannon's 'princess and pirates' party :)

The skirt, with a few mods, is from a tutorial I found over at Everyday Chaos. The fabric is from Patty Young's Mezzanine collection.


  1. Just gorgeous! Does she do ballet herself? Looks like she would love it.

  2. A friend and I are taking Kira and her friend to it in January. Can't wait now that you have posted about it!

  3. I think you have a ballerina in the making there!

  4. Oh, the dance classes must be paying off. She looks quite the pro.

    Great skirt, I adore the Mezzanine fabrics.

  5. Oh Lily - she is just adorable .... and what a fun outing for the 2 of you.

  6. gorgeous the skirt........

  7. What a pretty ballerina. She is a gorgeous little girl, and its not that I am biased at all. And well behaved as well. Great that the two girls could go out together.

  8. The skirt is adorable, as is ballerina Romily too!

  9. Awww how adorable! The skirt is cute too! It sounds like an awesome mummy & daughter outing!

  10. How fun! My favorite part of going to see the ballet is seeing all of the little girls who dress up for the show.

    Love the skirt that you made. It's definitely twirl worthy :)

  11. Oh! She's so cute...

  12. What a cute girl you have! I love your skirt, very ballerina and great fabric. Cute!


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