Friday, October 16, 2009

It's time to Pay It Forward

I am participating in some 'pay it forward' fun over at and am continuing the fun here. I have three spots to fill for peeps who want to join in too. I will make a handmade gift for the first 3 interested people. I have 365 days to do it in…What it will be and when it will arrive is a total surprise! The catch is that you must participate as well: you must have a blog and before you leave your comment here, write up a pay it forward post on your blog to keep the fun going.(Just cut and paste this one if you like, changing '' to '' which I did!) Looking forward to this :)

Edited: thanks for playing ladies, we are now full!


  1. I'll be in Lily! :)

  2. Count me in!! Thank you for the opportunity to do this as well. I am new to blogging and am excited to be a part of it.

  3. Ok, I am really a newby!!! How do I put the 'pay it forward' button on to my blog?? I tried but it obviously didn't work.
    Can you give me any clues??

  4. Hi Monika and welcome! I don't know about the blog button - will go and have a look-see. Please email me your postal address. You have a 'no-reply' Blogger profile, so I can't email you. You can find my email in my 'complete profile'.

    Cheers, Lily

  5. I'll be in!! Have posted on my blog!

    That's 2 PIF's in one day I have joined, I'll be busy busy making my own PIF's :)


Thanks for stopping by!