Wednesday, September 23, 2009

And the winner is...


I don't tell many people this, because it was sarcastic, but my nickname at primary school was 'Dictionary'. Because I knew so many words and because when I didn't understand a word I'd look it up to learn. The girl who started the nickname thought that knowing so many words was daggy, hence the nickname. I have never agreed - I don't think you can know enough words! So, Nicolette's entry for the Don't Look Now giveaway really appealed to me and also gave me a chuckle. Nicolette, congratulations and please email me your postal address and Kellie's pattern will be on its way.
The dictionary says: applique is a small addition to a standard circuit to enable it to perform additional functions or provide additional features... duh? They obviously never heard of fabric applique. To me it’s a wonderful way to make a quilt or cushion something completely your own, by taking objects from every day life or nature and translate them into applique shapes using the fabric you love the most. All you need then is some persistance and a well working sewingmachine!
We had a big dust storm roll through yesterday - it's now over the eastern seaboard. This is what it looked like from our place.
Fortunately, we'd already had our visit to Black Mountain a few days earlier, or the view wouldn't have been like this!


  1. Wow, thanks Lily!! So much fun to read about your nickname and to see the 2 young rascals! They’re growing up so fast!

    I watched the pictures of the sandstorm on the news. Completely orange skies. I love orange, but all that sand...!

    I’ll send you an email! Thanks again!


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