Sunday, August 30, 2009

Trip to the Emerald City

Playwright David Williamson penned a play called the Emerald City back in the 1980s, where one of his characters described Sydney as:
"The Emerald city of Oz. Everyone comes here along their yellow brick roads looking for the answers to their problems and all they find are the demons within themselves."
Well we followed the yellow brick road and found some demons - not of our own making - in the form of germs! Carl and the kids managed to pick up some kind of 24-hour tummy bug which was not pretty. I escaped it, but after our arrival back in Canberra came down with a dreadful chest cold, including fever and delirium last night and this morning! Our wonderful winter of woe continues on the health front. Never mind, tomorrow is the last official day of winter and then we are into spring - and READY!
In between bouts of illness, we managed several outings, including to the Taronga Zoo, where I was thrilled to see the seven-week old elephant Luk Chai, and the Sydney Aquarium. We also caught a couple of ferries around the harbour, taking in the spectacular views. Sydney really is a beautiful city when you can get out on the water. The kids had a great time, although we absolutely wore them out. Sadly, I didn't make it to Ikea - Carl was sick as a dog the night before we were due to leave Sydney, so I drove us straight home. Here are some photos from our holiday. You can click on any of them to see a bigger version - I love the one of the mummy Chimpanzee with her baby. Reminded me of me!


  1. thank goodness your all feeling better now...........nothing worse then being sick while your away from home...........looks like you fitted a lot in anyway........

  2. Oh dear, I am so sorry to read that you germs shared your vacation! Your photos are gorgeous .... one question - are you all sitting on a glass floor at the acquarium? That must have been wonderful for the kids to watch the fish underneath.

    What is it about baby elephants which makes them so appealing? Cute cute cute!

    We have a glass floor at the CN Tower here in Toronto .... except there is nothing underneath and the pavement is a very long way down!

  3. Great photos Lily, I'd love to take the girls to Sydney. One day....

  4. Hope you're feeling better - that sleeping picture of Tristan is just about the most adorable baby photo I've seen in a very long time

  5. Thanks for a wonderful trip trough a beautiful part of your continent, emerald city!

    Sorry to hear about the bugs still finding their way to your family. You probably taste great, so all those bugs want a nibble!

    The sleeping Tristan is adorable!! He looks a lot like his father (not the sleeping... LOL... not that I know of!)


Thanks for stopping by!