Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pleats to meet you

I realised I hadn't blogged this yet! Before we headed off on our road trip I made this skirt for Romily. Actually, I made it twice - the first one was waaaaay too big around the waist and a little long, so I made it in the next size down. It's from an Ottobre 6/2008 pattern - #16 'Tammy'. It's the first time I've made anything with pleats, and I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. It's also lined. As the first skirt was so big around the waist, I also excluded the seam allowances. A perfect fit!
The bigger sized skirt has been put away for next winter :)

And just because, here's a photo of Romily with her twin cousins Darcy and Cody - they're exactly four weeks younger than her and cute as buttons. This is their favourite trick and they showed Romily how to do it too!

All goes well here. We are all healthy for a change! We have also been night-weaning Tristan. It's going well so far after a fairly torrid first night. I think we will all be better for having a bit more sleep at night. Once he's sleeping through we'll move him downstairs into Romily's room. She's very excited about not being the only one sleeping downstairs!


  1. Very cute skirt! I haven't tried that pattern yet. Maybe next winter.

    LOL at the neat upside down trick. Must not show my kids - they are bound to try it too.

  2. Gorgeous skirt! I have so many more skirts that I want to make for Cheriese, but have to wait for her to outgrow all the ones she has already lol.

  3. lovely one ahead for next year..........

  4. What a great skirt - the pleats are a great feature. Love the picture of Romily with her cousins - how lucky to have cousins the same age.

  5. The upside down on the sofa photo just sums up the joy and exuberance of being that age - really made me smile this morning - kids are such fun aren't they?

  6. What a great skirt, I really have to get out my Otto mags again, now that I'm over the first shock of the dreadful looking pattern sheets!


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