Tuesday, May 26, 2009

9 months

While our PC was on the fritz, Tristan clocked up nine months on the planet. As much time out as he had in :)

He's a beautiful bubba, but I'm finding it quite hard to believe that he's going to be one in less than three months time! Here he is, trying to pull himself up on furniture. Slow down, Tristy - you can't even crawl yet!

And here's one of him with his cheeky big sister.And one of Romily feeding the birds down by the lake.Check out a very rugged up boy (in his fabulous EB Quilters quilt).


  1. What a cutie! Looks like he is going to have a love of books!

  2. That boy is just adorable, and I do love to see him using his quilt!

  3. He is growing so fast! Both your children are very precious!

  4. They are both so cute. They grow so fast! My baby is 38 this year and my oldest will be 44. I can't believe it!!!

  5. So gorgeous! It's crazy how fast the time goes isn't it? I can't believe my baby will be 2 next month, it seems like yesterday that he was born.

  6. Nine months - where has that gone to? He's such a sweetie pie :o)

  7. Oh what a beautiful boy! Can't wait to see him again, and his big sister. Two thirds of my grandchildren. Love you all.

  8. Gorgeous pictures!!!

  9. I can not believe how big he is getting and youcan only half tell that they are siblings - so cute - I love big sisters!

  10. Hi tthanks for sharing this


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