Saturday, March 21, 2009

Winter Blues

Finally! It's finished. "Winter Blues" is all wrapped up and on its way to the US, as part of the Four Seasons Quilt Swap 5 monochromatic challenge. (Click for larger images - for some reason this image looks fuzzy) My swap recipient chose blue or green, and my preference is blue, so I went for that. I chose to set off the blues with white and am quite happy with the finished result.
Because it's quite a simple design with classic fabric motifs, I chose to do simple cross-hatching quilting...well, it would have been simple, except I only did the cross-hatching in the background, which meant many ends to tie in! It took ages, as per my previous post on the issue. Anyway, I finally got them all sewn in, the binding on and the label stitched to the back. Et voila!
I hope my recipient likes it. It's always disappointing when you go to a lot of effort and it's not appreciated. Let's hope this table runner inspires happy thoughts in the cold of winter! (Measures 24.5" x 14")

And one of my boys. They both like the newspaper...although I'm not sure you're supposed to eat it!


  1. What a lovely project to work on .... if you recipient doesn't appreciate it just tell her to send it on to me .... I'll take really good care of it.

  2. Love the blue floral background Lilt and such neat hand stitching on the letters! Great job! She'll love it!

  3. looks great........someone should be very happy........

  4. I LOVE it!!!!! Thanks you so very much! It reminds of delft blue china! It will be perfect in the cold winter months to bring a little spot of cheer to our home. Thank you so much for your effort and your good quality work! :~)

    You have an adorable family!
    Hugs, Julia


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