Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cool cords

One of my recent fabric purchases - and there have been a few - was this really cute printed corduroy. I was amazed to find it in Spotlight - they never usually have groovy quality fabric like these ones. The cutting lady said the bolts had only arrived that day. So I grabbed some! I love this fabric for pants and jackets for little girls and plan to make a couple of things for Romily. The weather's starting to cool down and soon lightweight cotton outfits just won't be warm enough. As you can see, I already have a couple of issues of Ottobre out, ready to draft off the patterns and cut into this lovely cord.

Of course I have a couple of other projects on the go that should get first dibs under my needles. And then there's the essay that's due next Monday (not yet started, um ah). Study schmuddy this week. Tristan has a cold and is needing lots of cuddles, so not much studying is getting done - nor sewing for that matter. But sewing is somehow finding its way ahead of studying in the priority stakes. I'll get onto the essay soon. It's only 1500w and on a public policy issue I know quite a lot about, so it shouldn't be too difficult. I'm on top of my reading for the weekly e-lectures (mostly), so I'm pretty relaxed about it. And there's always the weekend!


  1. Very cute! That fabric would work for Mum too!

  2. Oh Lily I saw this cord earlier in the week and resisted as I have so much on the go at the moment, but seeing your picture it looks so lovely and I wish I'd bought it now!!

    I was planning to make the parka from Otto 4/2007 pattern 23, should I go back....

  3. what cute fabric! Your little girl is going to look delightful in something made from this fabric.


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