Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Baby bunting

Tristan has just about outgrown all his size 00 clothes, including his baby sleeping bags (also known as bunting in some parts of the universe). I hit the shops to buy a couple of new ones in the next size up, but I couldn't find any lightweight, sleeveless bags anywhere. All the stores have their winter stock on the shelves, but it's still way too hot for them - that and the fact that current guidelines say you shouldn't put babies in bags with sleeves - they're likely to overheat. So I decided to make a couple.

Only one has made it out the other side of my machine so far, as I've been busy with other projects, looking after two kiddliewinks and just way too tired from lack of sleep. I used an old McCalls pattern I've had kicking around since 2005, but made a couple of changes, as I wanted to use snaps instead of a zipper and wanted to finish off the armholes a bit more neatly than the pattern provided for.

Of course, being a novice sewer, I managed to do not such a great job on either! First, I have discovered the shortcomings of plastic snaps...I'm now kicking myself for not spending the little bit extra to buy the die set for metal snaps...and, second, I stupidly used non-stretch binding on the armholes. Derr. They don't stretch now!

I do, however, love the fabric! Many thanks to Sarah from QFD, who, quite some time ago, sent me a parcel satchel stuffed with dressmaking fabric she was disappearing from her stash. I was very happy I finally found the perfect use for this particular stretch knit :)

I've bought some more stretch fabric for version #2 and will this time use a zip and leave the armholes stretchy! The things we learn through doing :)


  1. Love the sleeping bag - such a practical item! It is always easier the second time around!

  2. OMG Tristan is only just now growing out of 00's........they lasted no time on my boy......

    I have made a sleeping bag for my boy as he was a big kid I could not get one long enough to fit him in so made one with a friend........they are so good to keep them warm and they can't kick there blankets of easy either...........

    job well done and we are always learning something..........

    take care of yourself

  3. Very clever Lily! Amazing quilter and you can whip up sleeping bags! Like your 4SDQS#5 runner too. :)

  4. Looks great Lily! My pattern is a burda one for non stretch fabrics so at first I was wondering what was wrong with binding the armholes with a woven... then I realised you used a stretch knit pattern. The print is soooo cute - it's hard to find good stretch fabrics.

  5. Great idea Lily! J will be out of her sleeping bag soon and I'd love to make her a larger size. I might give this one a go!


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