Sunday, January 11, 2009

Making me happy

I have to show off one of my Christmas presents - actually my favourite Christmas present! It was from my little brother and his very excellent other half (go check out her artwork). Bill has had somewhat 'eclectic' taste in his gift giving up till now, but, since he met Kate, he has been making us happy at Christmas and on birthdays.

How's this for a perfect present?
The Material Obsession book (you can get yours here). It's a fabulously fresh and modern approach to quiltmaking, with some interesting twists on traditional blocks, as well as an amazing use of colour. The foreword is by Kaffe Fasset - what an endorsement! Lots and lots of quilty inspiration there.

And 5 Amy Butler FQs from her Belle range. It's just beautiful fabric :)

FABULOUS! Now I just have to work out what I'm going to do with them!


And just quietly, anyone out there a Battlestar Galactica fan? Carl and I just finished watching Season 4.0 - oh my goodness. What a great show. Can't wait for the final 10 episodes to come out on disk...stupid free-to-air stations here don't screen it. (No spoilers please! I know it's already been screened in the US. I am studiously avoiding any websites that tell me how it was all resolved! LOL)


  1. That looks like a book I would enjoy!I'll be watching to see what you make from it.

  2. that book is lovely eye candy! Lucky you!

  3. Fantastic eye candy. That would make me happy too.

  4. Oh Lily! I'd be telling your brother to hang on to that girlfriend if this is an example of the pressies youa re now getting! Lovely!!!!

  5. My daughter and her husband - absolutely! They have everthing available on DVD - including the original series that Fred and I watched on TV many, many years ago. I never seem to watch anything "live" on TV - so I just borrow their DVD's when they are finished watching them for the first time. I think the next 10 episodes are supposed to come out soon.

  6. What fabulous gifts! Your book looks lovely - hopefully you will find the perfect project for your lovely fabric!

  7. Wow - I hadn't seen this post until today. Glad you're happy!!

    Can't wait to see what you make.

    And yes, we're desperately waiting to get our grubby mitts on the final 10 eps. The wait is killing me!

    xxx scarlett


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