Monday, December 15, 2008

It's beginning to feel a bit like Christmas

I have an announcement: I've finished my Christmas shopping! Yay, thank goodness for that, as shopping carpark rage has commenced. It's a jungle out there. Do you like the look on Rom's face? Think she was a bit overwhelmed? You'd be right!

I've been finding it hard to get in the mood for Christmas, so made myself get my shopping done, put the wreath up on the front door and sent off all our Christmas cards. We're not putting our tree up until THursday, when my Father-in-Law arrives. He's spending 10 days, including Christmas, with us. He and Rom can decorate the tree together. Maybe then I'll have a bit more festive cheer.

In the meantime, I'll put on our Christmas music CDs and try to find a bit of Christmas spirit...I know it must be around here somewhere!

Here are some family portraits we had done recently, including a decent photo of yours truly :)


  1. Great Photos. What a lovely family!!!

  2. No spirit here either in spite of snow etc. Love the picture of the two kids. Very cute. Romily looks a lot like her dad.

  3. Gorgeous pics Lily, and congrats on being done with the shopping - I still have a little to do for extended family, though 'Santa' is finished!

  4. Wow, those are great family pictures! Everyone is looking where they should and smiling! We could never get it together like that. Baking bread, cookies and brownies today for charity...that's put me in the Christmas spirit! Cheers!

  5. What a beautiful family! I too have finished my Christmas shopping - just the baking to get finished.


  6. Lovely photos, and an especially lovely one of you! I think Romily looks just like her dad!

  7. Gah! Tristan's hair is just adorable. Beautiful portraits, Lily. You have a lovely little family. xo

  8. Not the slightest bit Christmassy over here. Nothing bought, no gifts wrapped - nada. Alex has had flu for about a week which as put us behind. Maybe we'll get something done this weekend.

    Lovely photos. What's happened to all T's hair!!?

  9. What a great picture of all of you! That's a keeper for sure. Isn't it great to have one turn out so well? We've not had a family portrait since the grandkids all arrived. Maybe we can get our daughter to bring her camera and tripod on Christmas and try to get a good one. It's hard with Joseph and Sophie both at the "I can't stay still more than 10 seconds" stage.

    I've had trouble getting into Christmas this year also. Usually we have all the decorations up by the end of November. This time I didn't finish the tree until today. It's not so much fun by myself.

    I'm sure all of you "down under" are used to having Christmas in the summer. I'm pretty sure that's something I could never adjust to.


Thanks for stopping by!