Sunday, December 07, 2008

A fairy cute girl...when she wants to be!

Romily went to the 4th birthday party of her 'best friend' Rhiannon yesterday. It was a 'come in your favourite dress-up' party at one of the local kiddie centres. Rom had a great time. As you can see below. She wanted to go as a fairy, and, as she's quite a tomboy usually, Mummy was happy to oblige. I made a 'Claire' dress for Rhiannon. It turned out pretty well. I was a bit scared of doing the shirring, but once I got going it was pretty easy - easier than the ruffle, that's for sure!

Lots of fun paintingParty food!Music timeBirthday girl RhiannonTristan was rolling around trying to see what all the noise was about!

A great time was had by all the kids and Rom was fairly (or is that fairy?) beside herself at being given a party bag to take home!


  1. The dress turned out really well. I made lots of those when my girls were small. I love the idea of a party away from home. I always hated party clean up.

  2. The dress is beautiful - I've never done shirring. My Mom used to make dresses like that a lot when I was a little kid.

    Looks like a really fun party. Particularly like the "music time" photo.



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