Friday, October 31, 2008

Poppy skirt

Quite timely for Remembrance Day on 11 November, but actually quite unintentional, was my strong desire to craft a skirt for Romily from this fabulous Botanical Pop fabric (and contrast fabric).
I didn't follow a pattern, but used ideas from this twirly skirt and an OliverandS skirt. I love how it turned out and so did Romily who wore it today. Finding a lady selling Remembrance Day red poppies at the local shops was the icing on the cake, with Rom wearing one in her hair all afternoon!

And here's a photo of Tristan, who's worked out that if he kicks the playgym it makes music and the lights flash - he loves it!And one of Rom entertaining Tristan while licking the bowl after we made a batch of yummy banana coconut chocolate muffins!


  1. Love R's skirt! Lovely fabric. She seems suddenly to have grown up? She looks bigger? Great shot of her entertaining T with the bowl..... another 6 months and he'll be fighting her to get the spoon!

  2. I love the skirt! Gorgeous!

  3. how cute is that skirt, and your kids obviously...

    I love red, can't wait for B to grow out of all the clothes that were bought for her when she was born so I can start making stuff I really like...

  4. Your two are growing up soooooo fast! love the skirt

  5. The poppy skort is adorable!! And so are your two gorgeous kids!
    Tristan looks so tiny next to his Big sister!

  6. The skirt looks great - very timely indeed!

  7. I love Romily's skirt, she looks so grown up in it.
    Wonderful pictures of Romily and Tristan! They are both growing at an alarming rate. Hard to believe.
    Cherish these moments, even if that saying is out of an old Kodak commercial. Hahaha :o)


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