Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back online...and still pregnant!

Our evil phone and internet provider company 'lost' our phone and ADSL connection on Thursday last week. Our phone was reconnected on Sunday afternoon, but we only got our internet connection back this morning! Five days without net access was akin to losing a limb! You don't realise how much you rely on the net until you lose access.

We are still pregnant - I am 40 weeks and two days today. My obstetrician warned me I was likely to have another 'overdue' baby and that's where we're heading. Hopefully my body will do the right thing and labour start naturally, but, if not, another induction is on the cards, probably in the second half of next week.

In the meantime, I've been busy with studying and ... oh my god ... some quilt-making! I finally started making the baby's Hungry Caterpillar quilt, finally working out how to do foundation/paper piecing! I'm really happy with how it's turning out and will post some pictures today or tomorrow.
I also FINALLY got around to making some small and overdue thank you gifts, as well as finishing off my nephew's birthday present (apron below - I teamed it with a kids cook book as well as a book for school projects on Australian explorers). I used some cool Alexander Henry fabric and matching homespun from Quilt Fabric Delights.
It was nice to get behind the sewing machine again.


  1. Good luck with the natural birth. My first one was induced and the other three were natural, by far the easiest. Of course, sometimes the baby doesn't co-operate and there's no choice.
    Cute apron.

  2. You've been in my thoughts - I assumed that your not posting was because you'd had Baby. Take it easy and I hope baby does decide to co-operate.

    You've been busy - what cute little pincushions and what a great idea of putting a cook book with an apron. I might just do that for my niece for her next birthday ....

  3. So obviously not born on my birthday!!!
    Love the sewing, you also did beautifully with your swap quilt, Amy made one of mine as well, gorgeous.
    Stay well, Tracey

  4. I was just thinking the other day that your due date must be close now. Hope bubs come soon for you.

  5. Very cute apron there Lily! And many labour vibes going your way rioght now!!! I know exactly where you are coming from having been 10d over with Austy and even the induction took lots of syntocin and several long, painful hours to get him to budge, so I'm hoping my body does the right thing this time and shoots #2 out when the time comes! Lets hope your little one is happy and healthy and in your arms by the weeks end and you have a wonderfully easy labour. :)

  6. I just love that apron! I thought you must have had your bub since you hadn't blogged for a couple of days, I'll cross my fingers for you that you go into labour soon :)

  7. I too thought sproglet had arrived. Alex was a week late. What started her off was a curry and a great night with friends. We laughed so hard and so much and the next morning I went into labour. Try it!!!!!

    Love those pincushions.

  8. gosh I was wondering if you had gone and had a baby.......thankfully you only have 2 days to go......Friday 15th.......Does you dh know how to post to the blog?????

  9. OH, I love the fabric in the apron.
    YES, I do know what it's like to be disconnected. We just now got hooked back up from our move in May. We moved into this house in July, so it's been too long for me.
    So glad to be back. You've been so busy! :o)


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