Friday, July 11, 2008

Hoot hoot

The babies keep on coming! My cousin Liz recently gave birth to her second son, so I decided that he probably didn't need many clothes and that I should make something else for him - I decided upon an owl softie from Handmade magazine (vol 25 #8), thinking it looked pretty straightforward.Well it was, but my goodness it was fiddly. Silly me ignored a similar comment on Adds' blog and lived to regret it! My owl is a bit wonky - he leans to one side and don't look too closely at the embroidery! Fortunately, I don't think babies care much about that! Of course Romily now wants one...we'll see!

I did a couple of appliquéd onesies as well, so hopefully the parcel will be well received.I am doing well. We're 36 weeks along tomorrow...on the home straight! I finish work in another two weeks and can hardly wait. I felt terrible yesterday morning, so took the day off. I am all well again today, so I think it's just being pregnant!

And yes Mum, I'm taking it easy.


  1. What great owly gifts! Love the fabrics and it’s little wonkyness! That’s what handmade gifts make so special. A tiny little bit of imperfection, not visible to receivers, but only to the maker!
    Happy weekend!

  2. Lovely baby gift - nothing says welcome like a hand crafted baby gift. Love the matching onesies!

  3. The owl is very cute. The fabric just suits it.

  4. Just LOVE it.Gorgious!
    I am 28 weeks pregnant.Hope you feel all right.Exciting time for you....Good Luck!
    regards Laura

  5. What cute little owls.

    Oh boy, into the home stretch - yeah! When I was at this stage of my pregnancy with DD I started having problems ..... long story short - I was induced at 36 weeks. Thank goodness I was ready - 40ºC in the middle of Texas and pregnant was no fun!

    Rest up!

  6. Your little owl looks so cute and so do your onesies - I think that they will be very well received.

  7. Anonymous7:47 pm

    i'm all for a bit of wonky myself :) i think he's fabby.

    add me to your mum on the list of people looking sternly over their glasses and telling you to put your feet up.

  8. Your Owl and bodysuits make a lovely gift!!! Very cute!! Cathyxx

  9. Just love the owl and the onesies!! But can see how fiddly!!!
    Love Styrawberries and cream as well, mine is one that is not mailed!!! Tracey!!

  10. Oh Lily, he is sooooo cute! I love how he is a bit wonky to one side, looks like he is going to walk off!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi there, it's Bill's Kate from Melbourne. I adore your little owl - he is utterly adorable! When I saw him I thought you may like this site:

    I haven't tried it yet and it's still in beta testing phase, but you can have your own designs printed on material. Neat idea, huh? xxx kate


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