Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A strawberry sandwich

(click to enlarge)
I am on fire! Couldn't sleep this morning, so got up with the birds and sandwiched the quilt after getting the borders on last night. Now I just have to work out how to quilt it! All suggestions appreciated :)
Here's a gratuitous picture of Romily: 'Mummy take a photo of me' - so I did!


  1. Lily, what about a diagonal criss cross hatching for the quilting, following the lines of the QST? It looks lovely. :)

  2. I am always at a loss as to how to quilt a top too. I have two waiting in line while I do a bit of dithering. I used to do a lot of stitch in the ditch but it doesn't work so well on the big frame without some special foot so I dither some more.
    Good luck with deciding how to do yours.

  3. Absolutely no suggestions on how to quilt, although what Helen said sounds good! But I did want to comment that I love this quilt. The colours are so crisp and fresh it makes me want to go get a bowl of strawberries and cream!

  4. Anonymous4:13 pm

    heh, either the quilt is much smaller than i first thought or those pins are HUGE! that's some intricate piecing there, nice job :)

    can't help with the quilting i'm afraid, that's the bit that scares the pants off me!

  5. At the moment I’m totally in love with diagonal cross quilting (if that’s what it’s called..).
    Love the quilt and I’m curious too how big it is.
    Your Romily is photogenic... she’s really becoming your big little girl!

  6. Umm fans? in white? Exactly how big is it?

  7. Your strawberries and cream is gorgeous as is Romily! I can't believe how grown up she looks with her hair down.

  8. That looks gorgeous! And Romily is looking very grown up - lucky you have another one on the way!

  9. I love your quilt, it has come together so fast, and looks so fresh and delicious! I'm just starting to get interested in quilting again too (perhaps its the nesting urge!)
    I'm also intrigued by foundation piecing, I'll be following your adventures with great interest.

  10. Ahh, strawberries and cream...looks as good as it tastes! Tracey

  11. I adore this quilt, what a shame I missed out on sign ups this time. My kids enjoy checking out the photos of Romily. Noah especially likes her Thomas outfit. She really is so pretty!

  12. Sorry Lily, I'm no help with the quilting dilemma either, have only done diagonal myself but just wanted to say that its looking great, can wait to see the finished product.


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