Monday, June 16, 2008

Another year older

And possibly a little wiser. Possibly.

Yes, today is my birthday. Another year older. And what with being more than 7 months pregnant, I am definitely feeling every one of my 37 years!

I had a lovely birthday weekend, with my parents in town and a day of leave today - hey, if you can't take a day of leave on your birthday when can you? Just kidding. But I am taking a couple of days off over the next few weeks before I finish work - yes my friends, I am taking it easy :)

It was my dad's birthday recently, so we had a double celebration, with a birthday lunch for dad yesterday, a joint birthday cake last night, and a birthday lunch for me today.

Yesterday's lunch was at a busy little cafe up on the hill behind our house - it overlooks the whole of Canberra, so the views are spectacular - even upside down!

And I was lucky to receive some lovely presents, including a bunch of fat quarters from some girls in my online quilting group - we're having a birthday FQ swap and it's great fun to open all the parcels on our birthdays! Six have arrived so far - check out the booty below. The others should arrive soon - the mail to and from Canberra is shockingly slow considering it's the national capital!
Top left, clockwise: Leah, Emma, Cass, Mands, AJ, Xena. Thanks ladies! They're delicious :) Also a couple of mags and Mands threw in another couple of cool brights!
This was the cake - Romily helped make it and decorate it. Yes, those are Jaffas :)

Might go get myself another piece right now...there was just a little bit left - just for me!


  1. Happy Birthday. Lovely pictures of Romy and what a gorgeous cake!

  2. Happy Birthday Lily! I hope the coming year is all you anticipate!

  3. Happy Birthday! Love all your birthday booty - what could be better than fabric and some crafty mags! Best wishes for the coming year!

  4. Happy Birthday Lily! Lovely photos of your family and your naughty little girl!

  5. Happy Birthday.......have a great day you share it with my sister.........

  6. Happy Birthday.......have a great day you share it with my sister.........

  7. Happy Birthday Lily...shame the other FQs didn't arrive on time...something to look foward to over the next week or so...enjoy your last few weeks (days??) at work!

  8. Happy Birthday!

    Sounds like you had a wonderful day!

  9. Happy birthday Lily, this year is definitely going to be an exciting one for you.
    That's some cake!!

  10. Anonymous9:40 am

    Happy Birthday Lily! Glad to hear you had a wonderful day.

    Love Romily's coat - did you make it?

  11. Happy Birthday to YOU! What lovely photos and all those lovely gifts - omg, you lucky girl! Take it easy and rest up when you can.

  12. A slightly belated happy Birthday!! Lovely family time..and a good stash there as well!!! I have you by nearly 2 years so you are young yet! Tracey

  13. Happy Birthday! The cake looks delicious. Chocolate. Yum.

  14. Happy Birthday Lily! Sorry my FQ was late getting to you. Next year I'll be on time! :)


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