Sunday, May 18, 2008

Red and white blocks for Clare

I made two blocks for Quilts for Leukaemia at Easter, with the promise to make another couple soon. Well soon turned into two months, later but here they are all finished! It was working with all that red and white fabric for mum's table runner that spurred me on! (And yes, those are my husband's not-so-sexy knees you can see in the corner of that photo!)
I made up the butterfly block myself, using templates, as a trial run for the two hungry caterpillar quilts I want to make next (one for Rom and one for Bub#2). They were moderately successful. Clare, I hope they're acceptable!I also managed to snap a photo of Romily wearing her new dress yesterday. Doesn't she look pleased with herself? Unfortunately it's a bit blurry - I was lucky to get that photo - she just goes nutso when I'm trying to take photos of her these days.

No sewing here this weekend. Have been busy with dinner guests last night - we haven't seen them for months - and a playdate for Romily this morning at my friend's place. Romily and I have had long sleeps together yesterday and today, which is lovely, but boy it chews into your weekend!

And I'm sorry I've been so slack keeping up with people's blogs. 512 unread posts, according to Bloglines. I've been so tired that getting onto the computer just hasn't been happening. I'll get there eventually :)

Only nine weeks left at work and then I'll be on maternity leave awaiting the arrival of #2. Bring it on. There's so much going on at work I am just wishing the next nine weeks away! I hope the bub lets me have a least a week at home putting my feet up!


  1. I hope in all those unread blog posts you didn't miss the Summer FSQS? Closed at 100 participants!
    And sorry, but a few of us are boosting that tally daily, by doing the 'Post a Day in May'!

  2. Only nine weeks left! Bet it'll flash by. Thank you Miss Romily for standing nicely so that Mommy could take a photo of you in your new dress ..... you're a very pretty little girl and your dress is beautiful.

  3. just pick your fav and catch up with them and then clear the rest atleast then you are back to the start.........take care and don't overdo it......the dress is lovely.......

  4. Yeap - just mark them as read all - I am finding it hard to catch up as well - you will get there one day I am sure. Wow only 9 weeks left of work - you must be looking forward to that - hope bub #2 lets you have some rest before its arrival!

  5. Anonymous1:53 pm

    These look great!! Love the butterflies, especially. I'm sure Clare will be thrilled.

  6. The blocks look great Lily. I especially like the butterfly one.

  7. Glad Romy finally allowed you to take her picture. She looks lovely and b oy is she growing fast!

    Lovely lovely blocks - thank you.

    Don'- worry about catching hit - just hit the mark all read button.

  8. The blocks looks great! Clare will be more than happy! Your little big girl looks sooo grown up in her dress!
    You can mark all post as read and start with a blank sheet again! Do you stop working right before the expected date of birth of #2? Take care!

  9. I love the butterfly quilt block - very clever! It will look wonderful with the caterpillar fabrics. Romily looks beautiful and very grown up in her dress. I hope the next nine weeks flies by for you and you get some well earned rest. This time around I'm going to take a bit more leave beforehand rather than working right to the due date, it's too stressful!

  10. Your romily looks liek a butterfly in her new dress!

    I love your blocks. red and white is a favourite of me.


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