Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Dress for Romily

While Rom was more than happy to help out with drawing a winner for the giveaway on Sunday, the little bugger, er I mean darling, would not, point blank, try on the dress I made for her! Little so and so! Nearly three and full of independence...I just don't know where she gets that from...

So, a photo of the dress on a hanger will just have to do.
And yes, the decorations on the box were Romily's work! She loves 'decorating' things, and talks about when she gets bigger she can have her own 'chine' (sewing machine) and pins and will make quilts for her little brother. Gorgeous! Another quilter in the making :)

We received some more wonderful mail during the week. The very generous Doodlebug Gail sent Romily some more Dora the Explorer books, some stickers and some Dora band-aids! Gail's daughter thought the 'little girl in Australia' might like some - oh yes she did! Thank you so much Gail for thinking of us on the other side of the world. Although it is a bit strange explaining to Romily why some of the words are in Spanish! I love it though, as I would hope that Rom learns a language or two just as I did. I never learnt Spanish, but studied French and Italian at school and at university, so I can understand a lot of Spanish and was able to pick up a bit of conversation on my two visits there. Hopefully one day I can get to South America and learn a bit more!

I'm heading off for a couple of days this week - I'm on a leadership course as part of my professional development with work. I'll miss Rom and Carl terribly, but it will be nice to have some time out!

I am taking with me a table runner/bed dresser that I'm making for my mum for mother's day, which is this coming Sunday. The pattern is another one from the Denyse Schmidt book in my previous post. I have finished it bar the hand quilting. I hope to get some work done on it after the group dinner each night. Mum's away in Tasmania for a couple of weeks, so if the present goes into the post early next week, it'll be waiting for her when she gets home. It's looking good, so I'll post a photo on the weekend when I return from my travels.


  1. Looks very pretty. Love the flower details.

  2. That is one cute dress Lily! Come on Miss R, try it on for Mummy's blogger friends to see!

  3. Love the dress - the flowers are gorgeous...I second Helen...come on Miss R...we want to see it on!

    I totally hear you on the being away thing too. I am away next week on a course as well.

  4. Gorgeous dress! It would look even better on you, Rom!

  5. Oh come on Romy. Just for me (and Mum). Please. I know that Explorers don't wear dresses, but how about if you tried this on for Mum and then you can get back to exploring. Alex has got an exploration set which she says she might not need any more cos she's 13 and that's big!

    Lily - don't overdo it and looking forward to seeing your Mum's present.

  6. So glad the package got there - and so quickly as well! Cute dress, perhaps she'll want to play dress-up and will wear it for you soon. Enjoy your time away - I sure could use a couple of days away by myself.

  7. I really love the dress, the flower appliques are just beautiful, and I love the colour scheme - great to see a girl's dress that isn't pink just for a change. I'm sure it will soon become a firm favourite with Romily. The time away sounds like it will be a nice break for you, have a great time!

  8. That dress is gorgeous! Love it!

  9. great dress, I hope Rom will model it for you soon.

  10. Great dress absolutely beautiful...typical of her not to try it on.....LOL.



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