Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Lots of 'stuff'

Phew! We had a busy weekend, which left all of us exhausted, especially me - so much so that I took a sick day yesterday. I was feeling terrible, so, decided that it would be better for me to sleep and grump at home than be a royal pain in the you know where at work!

Over the weekend we went to the zoo, I went pattern shopping, got some crafty stuff for Rom, Romily and I baked some biscuits, I tidied up and rearranged Romily's room - including taking down the blackout curtain material from her windows - and bought one FQ for my Four Seasons Quilt project. Of course, all of that was procrastinating :) I haven't yet made a start on it yet, but will so this week :)
The biscuits turned out pretty well, considering we used PlayDo cutters - we didn't have any metal cookie cutters, so I went and bought some! Some of the duck heads were a little singed - a bit too small for my hot, hot oven :)
Romily's discovered the joys of a glue stick and miscellanea to make pictures...a study of concentration, no?

Something else we did was order a brand new bedroom furniture suite for Romily. It will be here in about four weeks, which is great, because we need to get her out of the toddler bed, and reconvert it to a cot up in our room. She is excited at the prospect of a 'big girl's bed' and I'm excited for her.Of course we had to go and order a Danish bedroom suite - which means we'll be up to our ears in Alan keys and impenetrable instructions! It's from the Tvilum-Scanbirk Jubee range. She had a great time climbing over the display suite at our local Harvey Norman's.

I also ordered a 'snap press' from Snap Australia. Retro Mummy kindly provided the link after I admired the gorgeous bubba bibs and clothes she's been making - go check out her blog :)

I think I'm going to be busy making 'stuff' for my little man, don't you?


  1. Aww serious snap press envy. Do you think a snap press counts in a fabric ban????

    Oh and the little cookies are soooo cute.

  2. A snap press....oh lucky you...how I want one of these. Love the cookies...

  3. And what's wrong with using play-do cutters - they do the job :o)))

  4. Anonymous3:50 pm

    Hi Lily,
    I hope your feeling better. I love Rom's new bedroom suite she will have a ball growing into it. Your cookies look yummy. I just signed up for a binding class, I hate doing the binding it never turns out right so I never finish my quilts, hopefully I'll learn something that will make it easier. Huggles Tina


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