Tuesday, January 29, 2008

We're back...with some news!

We're back from a lovely holiday at the bottom of the world...well, not quite, but the bottom of Australia anyway.

We had a lovely, relaxing time, although I wasn't that much fun, as I have been suffering from all day nausea and fatigue for about the past six weeks. Yep, you guessed it, I am pregnant!

We had our 12 week scan today and here is baby number two:

Will post more soon, but I have to get my Four Seasons swap quilt finished tonight and in the mail tomorrow. The dreaded morning sickness has played havoc with my sewing, so the pressure is on to finish.

Also back to work tomorrow. Will upload photos from holiday soon!


  1. Congratulations Mrs. Lily!! Wonderful news! Take care!

  2. Anonymous8:00 pm

    Congratulations Lilly & Mr Lilly. What wonderful news.

  3. wow what exciting news...except the nausea bit.......Romily will be happy.......

  4. Congrats to you and the family!

  5. How exciting!!!!Hope you feel better soon!!!

  6. Woooo hoooooo - wonderful, fantastic news. Huge hugs and congratulations to you both.

    Now are Mr and Mrs Lily going to get swamped with baby quilts I wonder?

  7. Congratulations!!! Romily will be so excited. Not to mention the rest of your family.

  8. How exciting - congratulations to you all - take care and hopefully the morning sickness etc will disappear soon - oooh I'm still grinning from ear to ear for you all :o)))))))))))

  9. Ahhh Lily! Look at that little bubba! Are you going to find out the sex at the 20 week scan or a suprise! Good to have you back too.

  10. Congratulations, Lily, Karl AND Romily! So happy for you all.
    Does this news hamper your decisions on moving to Hobart? What a lovely place to raise your family. Best of joy and luck in the coming months! :o)

  11. Oh, what marvelous, wonderful news! I've often wondered whether or not you two were going to have a little brother or sister for Romily - now we know. Congratulations to all of you. Have you told Romily yet? If so, what was her reaction? I can just imagine her very excited, and looking forward to being your "big helper".

  12. Congratulations!!!

  13. What wonderful news - congratulations to you all.

  14. congratulations Lily, I bet Romily cant wait to become a big sister!

  15. Congratulations!!!!Lily, what a wonderful news!

  16. woohoo you've made it! so glad to hear that and love your scan! we're off for ours tmrw and I can't wait!


  17. I'm so behind on my blog reading that I'm afraid I'm late to the party...but what wonderful news, Lily! I hope everything's going smoothly. Congratulations to you and your husband, and *big sister* Romily, of course!


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