Thursday, November 01, 2007

I'm still alive...

...just not posting much. Have been busy stitching every night trying to get my doll quilt finished for the EB swap. Finally finished last night and posted off by Express Post this morning, arriving at Destination X tomorrow :)

I must confess to being a tiny little bit nervous about whether my swap partner will like it. Too late now for second guesses! I'll post some photos next week - we've allocated 6 November (Melbourne Cup Day) as the day on which we'll all open our gifts. Exciting!

I think the quilt that's been made for me (ultimately Romily) has arrived - we had a ticket in our mailbox today, which means there's a parcel to collect from the post office (they don't deliver parcels to our development...dammit!). If it's not the quilt, it might be some new fabric I ordered from Equilter - either way I will have a pleasant surprise waiting for me when I get home from work tomorrow.

Been busy at work again. Blergh. Worked all day Saturday again and am feeling weary. I got a little bit toey with my second-level supervisor today, as he and my boss are being very tardy at filling two positions in our team of four. I am carrying a double-load at the moment and am concerned that due to their slowness to recruit that I will be expected to drop my tasks to take up the admin tasks currently done by our business support officer, who is leaving in two weeks time. I am not there to do their admin and it's not something I've done since I first started out 15 years ago. Fortunately I've worked so hard over the past 7 months or so I think they've worked out that they can't afford to lose me too. Hopefully they'll listen to and address my concerns...or I'm outta there! There are several other vacant positions in the department I work for that I could have tomorrow. At least I feel like I'm in a reasonably strong position...I hope!


  1. How exciting to open all your parcels on November 6! And oh.. it’s always scary when you made something and you don’t if the receiver will like it. But I’m sure your parcel will be well received! Your story about your work reminds me of my days in paid employment. I hope you will find your way through this and maybe it’s good to go for one of the vacant positions! Good luck! (Girlpower!)

  2. You tell them girl. Nobody should dump extra work on someone who has quilts to be worked on at home!
    Maybe when you get to the post office there will be two parcels there!

  3. Far be it from me to be inflammatory but I bet they'd think twice about asking you to do the extra admin if you were a bloke!

  4. My boy saw the doll quilt snippet and said, "good quilt', high praise indeed from an afficionado!!
    Sorry work is hectic, you are right.....Romily still gorgeous!! lol Tracey

  5. We had this cool way of dealing with my old boss when he decided you needed another job to do. I would say. Okay sir..lets see it already have to do a, b, c, d, and e. Now IF I do this extra thing which one of these others do you want me to PUT ASIDE? Of course none would be the answer but we plainly point out that time allowed us to do exactly just that so choose which to slack off.

    Stick to your guns!


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