Thursday, November 08, 2007

British Strippy Quilt a Smash Hit!

You know from my last post how much I enjoyed my first ever swap with the EB Quilters. The lovely AJ has revealed the doll quilt I made for her, so I can now post some photos of it here.

You've seen teaser images of it up till now, so drum it is! (Click to view larger images)

It's my version of a British Strippy quilt, so I'm calling Strippy for AJ!

And here's the back:

It measures 17" x 19 1/2" and was such a pleasure to make - I find handquilting terribly therapeutic! I was a bit nervous about whether AJ would like it, but it seems that she does!

A couple of the EB Quilter girls were asking about handquilting - I'm certainly no expert! I learnt from one of the best - go check out Tonya's tutorial on hoopfree handquilting. She is truly amazing.


  1. very nice......didn't do that swap but it looks like it was fun.......

  2. Beautiful little quilt. Out of the two, not sure which one I prefer - think I love them both.

  3. Gorgeous - lucky, lucky AJ!

  4. Yep I do love it ..thanks again Lily!!

  5. You're very sweet - thank you. I have to say I like the back of the quilt the best - lovely bright colors!

  6. Anonymous1:33 am

    Oh, this is gorgeous Lily! I love that you did the same on the reverse just in different colors. Fabulous! Your quilting looks great. Keep up the good work.

  7. Anonymous10:44 pm

    Oh, how lovely - I can't resist anything with a Japanese influence - I just love the fabrics and the beautiful sashiko style flowers on the front, and the back is a wonderful burst of colour.

  8. I love your doll quilt. I agree, hand quilting is very calming for me too. Your log cabin doll quilt was a hit with Romily!! I am sure Helen was pleased to see that.

  9. That looks great! I love that it reversible you clever girl!!
    How great is the one you recived as well,I can see a mum and daughter wresting over who gets that!!Tracey

  10. The quilt looks wonderful. Your handquilting looks amazingly good! I will check on Tonya’s blog, I love tutorials.


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