Friday, November 16, 2007

Australian Idol

I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to blog about something very exciting that happened a couple of weeks ago!

*takes a deep breath* I am coming out as a closet Australian Idol fan! I watch it every week and must confess that last year really had me hooked. I even voted once. Yes, I know, if you watch it you should probably vote for your favourite, but I'm not that much of a fan!

So, anyway, last year's final was won by Damien Leith, an Irish emigré, who's been living in Australia for around 10 years. He has quite an extraordinary voice, with an unbelievable falsetto. You can hear his music on his website. I thought he sang beautifully and bought his first album (that's showing my age that I still call them that), which was a compile of most of the songs he sang during Idol. It's been on high rotation in my car :)

He has a new album out, which I hadn't yet bought, but planned to. A tour to Canberra was announced and I decided to go. And then I chickened out, as I didn't think any of my friends would want to go with me (not knowing whether they were closet Idol fans too!). Carl certainly wasn't interested in going with me (although he watches the show as much as I do).

But, in the week before the concert, I entered a competition to win tickets to his show...I won! I was so excited - I took the call at work and all my colleagues were looking at me funny as I gushed into the phone! I rang a friend of mine to see if she could come and she said she'd love to. Unfortunately her daughter got sick on the day of the concert so she couldn't come. I ended up going by myself, but that was okay, as there were lots of other 'mums' there by themselves!

I struck up a conversation with another solo mum during the interval and discovered we had some mutual friends. It turned out she was a huge Damien Leith fan, and when I invited her to come backstage with me after the show to meet Damien - part of my prize! - she nearly fainted! It was so funny. She had her photo taken with him and was very excited. I got my free CD of his new album (signed and all) so I was happy.

It was a fabulous evening, and it was so nice to be out, doing something social, sans child at night!


  1. Though not an idol devotee I love this man's voice and would have been equally happy for where is the groupie pic????
    Well done on the purchases, always a good plan making clothes out of good quilting fabric!!
    The boys shirts will be especially cute,
    well done on the Mt Everest thing...and why Tassie? Tracey

  2. You little teenie bopper you. The French have something called Star Academy. We haven't followed it closely for the last 2 years, but are hooked this year

  3. What a great win - congratulations - I've never heard of him or listened to his voice, but he sure gives new meaning to the word "eye candy!"

  4. hey Damien is great....followed it a bit last year and previous years but not this year.......caught a couple of episodes and that is it....

  5. oh and I would have gone with you.........I went to Kate Cebrano last week and she was fantastic.......

  6. wow I never win anything!!!!! how great to go backstage and meet him!

  7. I wanna see the groupie photo - please pretty please.

    I think his voice is awesome and I didn't even watch ido.

  8. well, this is where blog surfing pays off! thanks for the link, I'd never heard of him here in California. Lucky you to win such a grand prize!

  9. Anonymous10:05 am

    Well, nothing has changed. Remember ET's and you, Katherine and Christine idolizing Big Deal? Underneath being a Mum and a Wife you are still a kid at heart. What good luck. Better try for tattslotto and see if your luck holds.


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