Saturday, September 22, 2007

Golden Flower

Here's another little tease for the doll quilt I'm making for the swap. Did I tell you how much I enjoy quilting by hand? I find it very soothing (apart from when I prick the underneath finger).

Also, here's a snap of Romily, aka Dora the Explorer. She dressed herself like this...crazy kid! If you look very closely you'll see her gory split lip. Poor little love tumbled off my bed the other night when I was getting out of my work clothes and landed on her face on the wooden floor. Blood everywhere (mostly on me) and lots of tears and cuddles. She was fine and a shot of Panadol helped take the edge off for her. Fortunately it's not bothering her at all - it's just horrible to look at while it heals!

What a bugger, I had to work today. I am responsible for producing my organisation's annual review and I'm on a very tight publication deadline. I tried to get the first draft finished during the week, but didn't get there. I spent around 9.5 hours in the office today...boy it was quiet! I got lots done, but I'm quite tired now. I really hate working on the weekend, but you've got to do what you've got to do. It just means that I only have one day this week with Romily and no down time. We'll have a nice relaxing day tomorrow and hopefully I'll feel refreshed enough come Monday.


  1. The quilting's lovely - I'm a hand quilter too - it's fun, and not really that slow :) Ouch about that lip!

  2. oh wow beautiful! love the flower! I love hand stitching especially my japanese designs but now you've got me thinking I should do some on my doll quilt!!!!

    love dora! or doda as my keira calls her....she loves everything doda including her facewasher....but that is some outfit you have the mittens too...that girl can accesorise!


  3. I did that same flower all over the quilt I made for myself. It is a nice motif and turns out beautiful, I just finished my swap piece and my underneath fingers are hamburger!
    Poor Romily..she doea look ready for an adventure though!

  4. I am loving all these sneak peaks! I have yet to start quilting it together, but I am pleased to say my top is complete! Your hand quilting is lovely, very neat stitches.

  5. Weekends are so precious when you work full time - hope you have a very special day today to make up for yesterday - that's one thing I miss about my three at 10,11 and 15 - no more dressing up with whatever's available. Quilting's looking great Lily

  6. Beautiful quilting; both the handiwork and the design!

  7. Anonymous10:40 am

    Me oh my! That little sneak peek has me in a quilting panic. It is gorgeous.

  8. Your quilting is gorgeous. Oh poor Romy. Hope it heals up soon and hope you will get some Lily and family time next weekend.

  9. That flower is gorgeous Lily, someone's doll is going to be very happy! I hope Romily feels better and you get to spend lots of time with her this weekend.

  10. Poor little sweetheart....the amount of split lips we have had here!!! Always a good look...lucky it wasn't black eyes or everyone stares at you in the supermarket!!!
    Sorry about having to work!!! But the hand quilting looks therepeutic....from a girl who doesn't really do it!! Tracey


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