Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Breast Cancer Site - Please Click!

With both grandmothers having died of breast cancer and an auntie on each side of the family having beaten breast cancer, research into understanding and eventually overcoming breast cancer is dear to my heart.

Of course I am not the only one who has lost loved ones to this horrible disease. There are many people out there doing 'their bit' to help the cause. I used to donate money every month, but now we are on such a tight budget, I don't have the spare cash - I still sponsor a child in Malawi in Africa and Carl supports the Boys Town charity - so I try to support the fight against breast cancer in other ways. One way I've just discovered today is this website - The Breast Cancer Site. You can help with the donation of free mammograms by just clicking on their website - it won't cost you a cent, just 10 seconds of your time. Sponsors agree to pay for mammograms if enough people click on the link. You can click once a day and it will add up to making a difference.

The site is legitimate and I encourage you to show your support!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting us know about this! Who does not have a few inutes for something this important?!


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