Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Too tired... sew. Sad, but true. Work is hard, long, busy and tiring at the moment, so I am a very dull girl. Bugger all sewing done this week - I did manage to cut and stitch some strips for my Christmas projects, but that's it. I also traced a pattern from the aforesaid edition of Ottobre, and washed and ironed the fabric I'm using, but that's it.

I did manage to find a bit more inspiration in a local second-hand books store and picked up two cool books: Japan, by Marion Elliot, described as 'global designs for new look interiors', and Rags to Rainbows by Miranda Innes, which has traditional quilt patterns from around the world broken down for modern use.

Very good inspiration in there and I might just get enough energy back in September to get some more done! In the meantime, it will be slowly, slowly, just trying to get through the busy month of August. I have to travel for three days in two weeks' time, which is the last thing I need right now. Ah well, I'll just have to make it all count and worth it.

Grandparents from both sides are arriving Friday night for Romily's birthday 'weekend'! Should be lovely - they haven't seen her for several months and she's blossomed a lot since then. Carl and I have bought lots of small gifts for her and one big one (not that big, but it's all big when you're turning two!). She's well primed on the issue of cake and candles, and keeps asking when we're going to have the cake! Well, she says, 'Cake? Blow candles?', but you know what I mean!

Will have some pictures to post after the weekend. Can't believe my baby is turning two! In her words: 'Big girl now!'


  1. Awwww Lily, your baby is nearly 2! Know how that feels! :) That rags to Riches quilt book looks interesting.....

  2. Your books look wonderful. Reading about quilting and sewing is also a part of sewing! Your darling is gorgeous...that face!!! Maybe her and TJ will meet someday!! Just a joke Mum! Don't panic!

  3. I love the look of the Rags to Rainbows book. That photo of Romily is gorgeous. Black is obviously one of her colours.

  4. Happy Birthday, Romily! My 'baby' turns two this weekend as well.

  5. Happy Birthday to Romily for the weekend - hope that she enjoys all of her little gifts. I can not believe that she is ONLY 2 - she looks so much more grown up than Miss A (but then I guess that she still has two months to catch up on!)

    Sorry to hear that you are going to be busy with work - that sucks cutting into your sewing and quilting time like that - take care

  6. What date is Romily? I am about to enter birthday "week" as well,none of this one day business!!! Tracey


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