Friday, July 13, 2007

A cowgal's gotta have a hat!

And the hat was finished this week too. And it was as big a hit as the coat :) This was a great project - the first time I've ever made any kind of jacket, so working out the self-facing bit was very cool indeed. I had never looked at how my shirts and jackets were made before, but now I'm checking them all out. Very ingenious!

Oh and the red you can see peeking out from the cuffs and collar in the previous post photos is not piping, it's actually contrast I put under the collar and inside the cuffs - I thought it would look good and it all worked out well, with matching buttons and all! My mother is quite gob-smacked (aren't you mum?) that I have discovered this crafty bent - I was useless at craft in school. But I had a harridan of a teacher who scared the bejesus out of me and totally discouraged any creativity. So a big raspberry to Mrs Ogilvy!

We we are an unhappy household here this week. I have been off work for a total of three days this week with either the flu or a very nasty head cold. I went in this morning after a day and a half off and by 11.30am I was feeling dreadful, my boss took one look at me and said 'go home'. So I did. Poor Romily is much worse than I am. She was pale and her eyelids were at half-mast all afternoon. She spent most of it in front of the telly, watching the Wiggles and Teletubbies. I got lots of fluids into her and managed to spoon in most of a one-egg ham and cheese omelette into her tonight, so she's getting enough sustenance. Let's hope she has a good sleep tonight and is better tomorrow. Me too for that matter! It's no fun being sick and being sick on the weekend just adds insult to injury really.

While feeling awful, I haven't been so sick that I couldn't make a start on my new project though. Only I will remember this post from last year! I bought some Christmas fabrics and had good intentions of making gifts for last Christmas, but it just didn't happen. It is this year though! I'll post some in-progress pictures next time round (with a warning to my mum to not look!).

Bring on the weekend and the road to recovery!


  1. What a beauty queen!! Thae hat is adorable. And that was a great idea what you did with the red on the jacket. Hope you are all feeling better for the weekend!

  2. How how absolutely darling! You've done an excellent job and by the looks of little Romily's face she agrees as well.

    So sorry to hear that you're not well - rest up and take it easy.

  3. What a cute little cowgirl! I love it!

  4. Yah boo to Mrs Ogilvy and to all other needlework teachers who singlehandedly put off several generations from sewing for the rest of their lives - but we learnt it despite them and have come back with thousands of quilts to haunt them!!!

  5. The coats fabulous and the hat is too cute...she really is getting to such a big girl!

  6. Romy is very glamorous in her hat. Hasn't she grown since the post you directed us to? We all know that kids grow, but why are we still surprised I wonder?
    Sorry you aren't well, and poo poo to Mrs Ogilvy. I had a scary old teacher too - all I can remember is doing large cross-stitch on gingham with thick white cotton. Shudder...

  7. Bit of acow fan myself so I fell head over heals for this little Moo outfit
    Suzie Sews

  8. Anonymous9:51 am

    Romily's hat and coat are SOOO cute, and tres chic! Just the other day I said to my hubby that I should get back into making clothes again. I loved making outfits for my children when they were small. I have only a very few left, most of them got passed down to cousins or simply wore out. Hope you're over the flu soon - I can't believe we all got it again. Jonathan is very sick, and still asleep at 10am! Might have to take him to the doc later today though I hope not.


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