Thursday, June 28, 2007

Softies a deux

'Two little softies, sitting in a tree, h*u*g*g*i*n*g'
Okay, so making little stuffed toys is making me go a little gaga. But they have been fun. Apart from the eyes! I am not good at eyes. The pattern calls for buttons, but with under-3s it stipulates to embroider the eyes (as buttons could be pulled off by enterprising babies/toddlers, eaten and choked upon). Oh dear - my stitchery skills leave a lot to be desired.

However, I am not getting hung up on the details - the kids will love them. Romily is already madly in love with her kitty.

I put Kitty on the rail of her cot last night and when Romily woke up this morning the first word she said was 'kittyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'! Kitty has been carried around all day, given 'food', been put to 'bed' and been hurt ('ow, poor Kitty') and then kissed better ('all better'). A success :)

(Black Bunny's eyes are not embroidered, as you can see. They are bits of felt stitched tight through their centres)

Black Bunny will go to his new home this weekend when we pay a visit to baby Jack. The other three softies will be finished hopefully over the coming week (or two). I am dreaming up my next project and have drawn up an initial design. Lots of HSTs - haven't done them yet, so it should be fun. I hope!


  1. You know what they say...It's all in the eyes! And your kitty and bunny have lovely eyes. You know you have done well if they dont have that "evil" look or the "crazy eyed" look. Yours look sweet so job well done!! They are truly darling. Bren

  2. OMG - those a adorable! You've done an excellent job - what a cute project.

  3. V.cute little labours of love! Tracey

  4. Oh Lily these are all so precious! You did so good! All the little details are wonderful. I bet Romily does love hers!

  5. Ohhh yes,Lily,these rabbits will do the happiness of Romily!!!Have a great fun :)))


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