Monday, May 21, 2007

Old Macdonald Had a Farm

We had a lovely time at the farm, until, that is, Romily, Carl and I all came down with colds and Romily woke up crying at 1.30am Saturday night, having vomited lunch and dinner all through her bedclothes, including the quilt I so lovingly made her last year! I spent half an hour scraping it clean and rinsing. Gross. So, we called it quits after lunch on Sunday and came home a day early, leaving the rest of my family to spend another day hanging around with the lovely animals, gorgeous scenery and way too much food!

Carl showing Romily what pedals are. And Romily deciding they're way too complicated! This is in front of the guest accommodation.

Oldest of four nephews Zach with my sister-in-law Jacinta

Romily is one plucky little kid. Here she is patting the 'nice horsey'.

Grandma and auntie Jacinta help Romily feed one of the two abandoned lambs being hand reared by the family

The toy bikes and tractors were a big hit with Romily and her twin cousins Cody (on the left) and Darcy.

All the littlies enjoyed patting the animals - large and small. Guinea pigs on the left and black dog on the right.

Afternoon tea in front of the campfire. The cake was a big hit with Romily, as you can see from the telltale icing sugar on her nose!

With Uncle Bill.

And Tim Tam the deer.

Romily was a clingy little thing all weekend. No doubt due to her cold. As endearing as 'Mummy...hug' can be, it wears a bit thin after 48 hours straight!

Hay rides in the back of the ute were a hit with all the family - big and small!

Romily playing hide and seek in a cupboard in the shearing shed.

A budding farmer on her tractor?

And I rode a horse for the first time in my life! I loved it. It was so much fun. I don't look too bad do I? (That hand is the farmer, who stayed pretty close!)

A portrait of my brother Bill.

And yet another photo of the very adorable Romily :)


Colds are receding, drugs are a wonderful thing, and it's back to work tomorrow.

The yellow fabric arrived from Fabric Shack - hooray. They even threw in a couple of freebies. Now I can get Campbell's Wonky Geese finished. Just in time, as the new Australian Quilter's Companion May issue arrived today, chock full of inspiration for the next project!


  1. Romily is growing up so quickly - I can't believe how much she's changed since I first started reading your blog! Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures. So sorry your visit was cut short by the colds!

  2. That last photo is so beautiful - sorry your colds got in the way - good to spend time with the family - your brother and you are so alike Lily - hope the quilt can be rescued from the surprise deposits

  3. ooh ooh, you tagged me as well! See answers at my blog, sorry the farm ended early, it looked great. Good riding style! Gorgeous, photogenic girl. Tracey

  4. One beautiful little girl who is growing up very fast. You look a natural rider. Looking forward to seeing Campbell's Wonky Geese and hope you are all by now coldless.

  5. why does sickness always strike when there is something fun planned? Great pics and I am glad that you are all feeling better now. You look great on the horse!!

  6. Anonymous7:59 am

    Your holiday photos are brilliant! Rotten luck to get sick but it looks like you both had a magic time anyway.

    Your comments are coming through to my blog as no-reply. The gold knitted jacket is knit in garter stitch, all in one piece (talk about EASY!). The only seams are up the sides. I have to sew on the ribbon at the neck. It's too small for my lot, so I'll give it (and the hat) to the Guardian Angel Knitting Campaign for charity. The pattern is from Family Circle's Lovable Baby Knitting & Crochet. Actually there are several patterns in that book that I've knitted over the years. The book is sometimes on Aussie eBay.

  7. Oh Romily is growing up so big! And what fun it looks like everyone had on the farm! Waaaay fun!

  8. Oh i love your photos and reading your blogs...well done for riding a horse...Im proud of you.. I must get on a horse again Ive not ridden a horse for five years and I really miss it. Thanks for showing the photos they are really really nice to see..



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