Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I like to clean!

You may not realise at first glance, but yes that is a toy vacuum cleaner! It is in fact a Miele brand toy, an exact replica of our real appliance. Just a pity that it's not a working model!

You missed a bit Daddy!

Romy does seem to love the feather duster - and becomes quite distressed when we try to put it away!

Oh yes and we are encouraging this behaviour! Isn't it lovely at this age where they want to 'clean, clean?'

(No border on Wonky Geese. Realised the fabric I had picked out was wrong, wrong, wrong, so have ordered some bright yellow plain fabric from - let's hope my experience is as good as Jenni's.)


  1. My 2yo also LOVES to clean and he also has a toy vacuum! That kitchen floor is fabulous, by the way.

  2. Such cute pictures. Too bad that as soon as they can actually be of use in cleaning, they lose interest.

  3. Hi Lily,
    your daughter is so sweet and I really can imagine how she likes to clean with her small Miele vacuum cleaner! Maybe you will show her the photos again when she is a teenager :-)!?
    Lots of greetings, Verena

  4. Anonymous7:10 am

    Just ordered from Fabrishack last night - have had good experiences with them in the past. Happy vacuuming!

  5. Oh those were the days - when my three would fight to help with the cleaning - now it's 'It's not MY day to do the dishwasher - she didn't do her turn yesterday so I'm not doing it today!!!'

    As a good friend of ours always says - 'Kids! Can't live with 'em, can't live with 'em!'

  6. Make the most of it - the novelty soon wears off! I can't get into Alex's room to clean it and she has developed a nasty habit of shedding clothes, school bags, shoes and socks between the front door and her bedroom! She does, however, empty the dishwasher at 2 Euro a time!!!!!

  7. Anonymous9:19 pm

    Romily, needs to come and help me across the pond, I can always use a good helper with a feather duster... She is so cute, you lucky duck...
    Huggles Tina

  8. What cute pictures! Unfortunatly about the time they can really clean with some expectation of results is about the time they stop wanting to!

  9. The quilting on the wonky geese looks great and you have to love a kid who cleans. my DS used to go mad for the feather duster! Tracey


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