Thursday, April 05, 2007

Hippity Hop Happy Easter

Well I missed my 200th post! Happy 201 posts to me! LOL

What another busy week. Flew out to Adelaide (in South Australia) Tuesday night for a meeting on Wednesday. Late flight back last night meant I didn't get home till nearly 10pm. Am feeling very tired today, but fortunately we had an early knock-off and I came home an hour early. Some of my lovely new colleagues brought me chocolate Easter bunnies - I did feel bad that I hadn't returned the favour but they said it wasn't expected, they just wanted to wish me a happy Easter. Did I say how much I like my new job? Tis wonderful to be appreciated!

And it was wonderful to see Romily, and of course Carl, the morning after I returned from Adelaide. I don't like going away for work anymore!

We are sticking close to home for Easter, although we have something planned for each of the four days of the break. All pleasurable though!

Romily will have her first Easter egg and therefore first piece of chocolate on Sunday. I think she will like it! She won't have a clue what Easter or the Easter bunny is all about, but she does know what a bunny is and everytime we take her past a shop window that has an Easter display she points and shouts excitedly 'bunny, bunny'! Next year, it won't be 'bunny' but 'chocolate, chocolate' - ah the innocence of babes!

For those of you with slightly bigger children, check out this cute website. I must confess I had fun colouring in the bunny!

Still no joy on the computer front - we are ordering our new pc over the weekend, but the Disk Warrior software for the Mac hasn't arrived yet so I still can't download any photos - it's driving me nuts! I have some great photos on the camera that I want to see bigger. I am not good at waiting apparently.

Anyway, Happy Easter everyone - if you're on the roads please do drive safely.


  1. Ciao Lily, have a Happy Easter for you and your family :))))

  2. Hi Lily!
    I just found your blog and wanted to say hello from exactly the other side of the world - Austria!
    I like your blog a lot and really looking forward to your photos when you get your camera and new PC together :-)!
    I hope you had a wonderful Eastertime!
    Lots of greetings, Verena


Thanks for stopping by!