Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wonky geese with borders on!

I knew from other quilters with cats that this was bound to happen!

Finally I can post some quilty photos! As I mentioned, I got the green border on Wonky Geese, as planned, but when I looked at the top, I felt that the green had really subdued the rest of the quilt, and I also realised that the top just wasn't big enough. So I thought I might put another border on. That's when I discovered I didn't have quite enough of the orange with gold flecks fabric that I used on the inner border. What to do? I didn't really want to introduce a new colour, but I did want to lift the 'bright factor'. So I went down to my LQS and tried to find some more of the old fabric, but of course they had none left.

I spent about an hour checking out various fabrics and found that a lot of them were too bright, the wrong orange or yellow, or just the wrong finish. Then I found the most incredible fabric - it has been dyed a couple of different colours with gradations in between so that they melt together. Perfect! When I put the second outside border on, I wasn't quite sure, but when I stood back and took a look, I decided I really loved it!

Bright enough for you?

I am now hand-quilting the freehand fans (although I've only completed one so far!), which should take me another week or so. Then to bind and deliver! Campbell will only be four months old. Ah well! At least he'll have it in time for winter.

Then to make a start on the new one - the baby is being born this Friday, so I'd better get cracking. I haven't yet decided what quilt to make - I have been trying not to jump ahead and to finish this one first!

A reasonably quiet day was spent today - we vacuumed upstairs and down and mopped as well. This is a big undertaking in our split-level house with rampaging toddler and crazy cat in tow! We had a short outing to the park too, where Romily had a great time flying high in the baby swing and pretending to come down the slide but at the last minute balking. She thinks it's the funniest joke in the world!

Back to work tomorrow - at least the weekend will come around quickly this week!


  1. THe orange border is an inspired choice. It brightens up the quilt and connects the outside to the middle. Love it.

  2. Great choice with that orange - that little kitty is so cute.

  3. The outside border fabric is perfect - I agree! It's quite different than the inner orange fabric but compliments it beautifully!

  4. Lily - it's fabulous - as Joyce says that outer border brings it all together - super!!! Can't wait to see what you do for your next one

  5. Yes I agree! The border is great! Just the punch of color it needed! Fabulous job, lily.

  6. That border looks great!

  7. Hi Lily, your quilt looks just great! I love the wonky geese..*VBS* And what fun to follow your progress and decision making to completion. Gosh, you're an all grown up quilter now...congratulations! Hugs, Finn

  8. Oh Lily it's brill! That border really lifts it out. Good luck with the fans. Oh and make sure that you get rid of the hard drive of the old Apple safely. A friend is moving to France at the end of May and is dumping his hard drive off the ferry into the Channel. I know it is pollution, but he says he knows that that way the data is safe!

  9. Your orange choices have liftes this qyult beautifully, well done on the co-ordinating find, Tracey


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