Monday, March 19, 2007

Sick again

Yes, I'm still alive - barely. I have been sick as a dog yet again. Am starting to wonder whether I haven't managed to contract glandular fever or something, as I have been sick around six times since Christmas - most unlike me. I usually have a very hardy constitution.

I have been too sick to do any work on wonky geese - too worried that I'll slice and dice myself with the rotary cutter. And I've been busy to boot - what with visits to Melbourne and starting a new job, etc. I turned up to the first day of my new job sick and tried valiantly not to breathe or sneeze on anyone. Then on Friday I had to go back down to Melbourne for the day for a branch meeting and to meet my interstate colleagues. Let's hope I haven't infected them all. Things are looking positive - my new boss is lovely and very level-headed and even-tempered, so that's a good start! Today is a public holiday in Canberra (it's Canberra Day apparently), which is very fortunate as I was so sick this morning I would not have been able to go into the office. Let's hope I'm much improved by tomorrow morning, as I really do not want to have to call in sick in my second week on the job.

As I mentioned, I took Romily down to Melbourne the weekend before last to visit with family and friends. Here's a photo of her with my parents - affectionately known as Grandma and Huppa. My Dad's nickname came about when his eldest grandson couldn't say Grandpa - it came out as Huppa and it's stuck. It suits him though! Romily says it 'Uppa', which is pretty close. She also says 'Anma' for Grandma - who was tickled pink the first time she heard Romily say it!

Romily with her grandparents

We also went to the Baptism of my friend's daughter Alexandra - for whom I made the blue, yellow and lime green cot quilt. Alexandra is an elfin like little thing, who was agog at all the people smiling at her all day - she's such a good little baby and quite gorgeous too.

Baby Alexandra with Gabriel, Aaron and Diane

We did have a great weekend and it was so good for Romily to spend some time with her grandparents, aunt and uncle and four cousins, as well as some of my cousins and their children. It was exhausting though, and I think I'm paying for it now. Let's hope this dreadful head and chest cold recedes soon and leaves me feeling good as new again. I don't think I can take much more of being sick this year.

Romily with her four cousins - or 'boys' as she calls them all collectively!


  1. sorry to read that you aren't well but it's great that the new job is working out! Too cute about Romily calling your dad Huppa. My darling dad was called Bumpa by Grace and it stuck, we all ended up him that ;-)

  2. So sorry to hear that you're not feeling well and especially now that you have a new job. Little Romily sure is growing up - what a cutie pie!

  3. Lily have you been to the Dr? I know Mothers put themselves last, but if you get very sick...

  4. Anonymous11:29 pm

    oh lily...not sick again! really not fun. and what a trooper you are during it all. take the weekend, lay around and take care of YOU. i know...hard for us mom's to do....

  5. My mom's grandma was called Nama all her life. My oldest sister coulnd't say Grandma and the Gr got dropped and out came Nama. Pronounced the same way. SO all my life I have Nama and grandpa! Doesn't matter, what they call them, it's all good!

    My great nephew calls my mom..his great grandma, Grandma Mommy because that's how they explained who she was to him. He has Mommie, Grannie, and Grannie's Mommy...or Grandma Mommy. It's hard for them when they have great grandparents alive and 2 families worth of relatives to remember!


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