Saturday, February 24, 2007

Sore back

Well I'm certainly going through the wars at the moment. Just as I was recovering from another gastric infection, I've 'done my back in'. I was bending over helping Romily up our stairs and 'twang'! I suddenly felt excruciating pain and couldn't move. I had to yell out to Carl to come and get Rom and to help me move, somewhere, anywhere.

I spent that night in agony, finally managing to get some sleep, but waking up in pain every time I tried to move. Yesterday was spent in bed, trying not to move. Today I am a little improved, and can manage to hobble around the house. No bending over and no playing with Rom though, which is pretty hard on all of us. Poor Carl now has two children and a kitten to care for. He's not enjoying it much either.

I hope I'm much better by Monday - I don't want to take another day off before my last day if I can help it. And I am finding it very hard to not do anything. It's horrible! Not the way I prefer to spend time away from work...


  1. Anonymous2:23 pm

    Oh, no!! Take care of yourself, Lily. Sending get well thoughts your way....

  2. Oh Lily - take care of yourself - it's not easy nursing a bad back with a toddler - at least she's walking and doesn't need carrying everywhere. You might find a chiropractor or an osteopath useful if it doesn't clear up quickly

  3. Sorry to hear about your back. It can be very painful I know. Take care of yourself and don't give in to temptation and start doing things too soon.

  4. Oh dear - please do take care of yourself and rest. My DH slipped and fell on some ice (which we have plenty of on the roads right now) while walking home from the station last night in the dark! I'm wondering how he is going to feel when he wakes up ..... very stiff with a sore shoulder I'm sure.

  5. Sounds like you pinched a nerve or are having muscle spasms. I've done that 2-3 times and the only thing that has helped is going to the doctor for muscle relaxants and pain meds. Please see the doctor if you aren't better in a day or two! I'm so sorry this happened!

  6. Anonymous11:14 am

    Ice! Ice right away can turn things around. Some think only rest, meds or waiting it out but from experience getting ice on it ... on and off for a couple days will get you back on your feet sooner.

    Good luck


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