Monday, February 12, 2007

Bashka is here!

Just had to post some photos of our beautiful boy, who finally arrived today! Bashka is settling in beautifully and he is just gorgeous. We're all in love all over again. Especially Romily, who has said 'mau mau mau' about 5000 times today!


  1. What a beautiful slinky boy - he and Romily will be such good pals

  2. Oh what a gorgeous kitty cat. I'm sure young Romily will have a lot of fun with Bashka.

    DD just saw the photo's and now she wants one too .... sorry but DS and DH are allergic! Photo's of other peoples cats will have to do.

  3. What a beautiful kitten! We have three cats that we love dearly. They make such loving pets. Romily will love having a kitty around! We got our first one when my daughter was 3. She is now 14 and Zoe is still her constant companion!

  4. Bashka is just gorgeous, Lily. Is there anything more fun than a kitten?!

  5. He is so cute. Bengal right? Watch him with the water bowl and dripping taps. Apparently they go mad. Our Bengal lookalike (Magic) is going to be 4 this year. Since she was 4 weeks old she has gone to bed with Alexandra - every night without fail. Hope Bashka and Romy do the same.

  6. Oh he is so cute! I love the silver colouring.


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