Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy 2007!

Happy New Year!!

We're back from our trip down south, and taking it relatively easy over the next few days before I return to work. I am trying very hard not to think about going back to work and all the headaches I'll face then. I haven't turned on my BlackBerry the whole time I've been away and I don't intend to until Thursday morning. I want to stay relaxed for as long as possible.

Two days before Christmas - and it was hot!

We had a lovely Christmas, although it was coooooold on Christmas Day - brrrr! Fortunately I'd taken some cold weather clothing for Romily and for me - poor Carl had neither a jumper nor a jacket, so he was a tad chilly, but he's usually pretty warm all the time so he didn't suffer too much.

With Carl and Granddad in Bendigo

Unfortunately I was sick on and off for most of the time and Romily came down with a cold. I lost about two days of my life after Christmas - I'm not sure whether I picked up a bug or whether I ate a dodgy oyster on Christmas Day, but whatever it was I was very ill indeed. I am on the mend now and will, no doubt, be all recovered just in time for my return to the office.

It was wonderful to catch up with our families and some of our friends - we never have enough time to catch up with all of them, which is hard, as we only see some of our friends every two years.

Romily on Christmas Day with cousins Darcy and Cody

Romily really enjoyed having other kids around - she loves playing with them and I think the stimulation of having other people her size to be with has really spurred her development. She seems to have really changed over the past week - she loves going to the playground and has mastered the slide! She loves swinging and throws her head back so she's horizontal in the swing - it scares me but she thinks it's hilarious! She can walk over the rickety bridges without holding our hands (she has to hold onto the rail though) and beetles about the place having a great time.

She has also started babbling non-stop - my mum tells me I did exactly the same at around 18 months and haven't shut up since!! Carl and I think the babble will soon become sentences. She already has about 20 words. Including "Mummy", which I adore!

She's a big girl now in many ways - she's very independent, but still loves snuggling (which I also adore), she has four molars through and one eye tooth (with the others coming down any day now), her hair is just about long enough to put in a pony tail, and she now goes up and down the stairs holding onto the railing - no more crawling for this little girl!

I'm a big girl now

We had a very quiet night last night to bring in the New Year - we watched a DVD (The Libertine starring a very untidy Johnny Depp among others - I didn't like it very much, disappointingly) - and then we stayed up to watch the Sydney Harbour fireworks show on telly. What a pair of party animals we are these days! Not!! Ah well, we had bubbly, chocolate and each other - what more could you wish for?

So Happy New Year to all - I hope 2007 is good to all of us!


  1. It sounds to me like you had the perfect holiday aside from being sick for a couple of days. All the best in 2007.

  2. Anonymous9:50 pm

    Your comment on Rachael came through as a "no-reply" so I'll do it here. Yes, she has chump chops!! All my babies had them - great big cheeks hanging down on their shoulders LOL. They grow out of them :-)

    I love it when the cousins get together - we had 4 come up from Canberra which was nice - it was a year since we saw them last I think. Romily is growing up so fast - love the little flick at the ends of her hair :-)

    Hope you recover soon - not nice to be sick over Christmas!

  3. Glad you had a wonderful visit back home and got to see family and friends! The kids look like they had a nice time visiting. It must be fun to have someone your size finally. She really is getting all grown up and independant. Still a lovely smile!

  4. And a happy new year to you too Lily - that little girl of yours is turning out to be one very grown up little lady! - glad you're over your sickness - not nice at all!

  5. Anonymous8:03 am

    Happy New Year Lily, it sounds like you had a wonderful holiday, isn't it great to visit our love ones especially when they don't live near us. Romily is growing up so fast I can't believe how much she has changed since you started blogging she is a big girl now and oh so pretty, I love her long hair with it's fine curls... I hope you guys are blessed with a wonderful 2007.
    Luv and Hugs Tina


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