Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Animal at the zoo

I took Romily to the National Zoo and Aquarium on Sunday - we both needed to get out of the house, it was a glorious day and she's suddenly showing great interest in animals.

She was pretty good, but now that she's a big girl and walks everywhere it was a bit of an effort to convince her to stay in her pram! After a couple of tumbles on uneven ground, she was a little happier to be pushed around by mum. But only a little.

She was very excited watching the monkeys - they were pretty easy to spot as they move so much - and she also couldn't get enough of a turtle that was swimming around in a tank in the aquarium. We had a good time together over a couple of hours. I took some photos, but when I got home I realised the only animal I had photographed was Romily!!


Thank you everyone for your very encouraging comments on my quilting! I am very happy with how it's turned out. Unfortunately my machine quilting skills are nowhere near as good! When I am finished Alexandra's quilt I'll post some photos and then you'll be convinced I am in fact a first, no, second-timer!! Yegads. I wish I could sew in straight lines when quilting!


  1. Straight lines - what straight lines. My eyes tell me I'm going in a straight line, but when I get to the end of the seam its all over the place! Why do you think I have taken to free piecing and Tonya's tutorials like a duck to water LOL.

  2. The answer to that problem is to plan on curves or meanders. Lol.

  3. My kids always loved going to the zoo. We took them all again last year and our oldest at the time was 20. He loved the zoo growing up so much that he is now a Zoology major in college. I am glad Romily had a good time!

  4. Your daughter is just beautiful. Why would you want to photograph anything else? =)


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