Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Well I have been very slow posting on here lately, haven't I? I have been feeling pffffft - Carl and Romily have both had horrible head colds and I finally succumbed on Friday afternoon - just in time for the three-day weekend we just had! Grrrr.

Fortunately I was not nearly as sick as Carl and Romy - they are both still 'enjoying' the water works emanating from their noses, while my symptoms have pretty much disappeared. I think my immune system received a huge kick earlier this year when I had the flu for 8 weeks so I'm getting off lightly this time.

Despite all of us feeling quite under the weather, it was actually a beautiful weekend. The sun shone, it was warmer than it's been for a long time and the birds were out and about. So we decided to head out too and take our minds off feeling blergh.

Carl took this photo of Romily and me on our balcony just before we went out on Sunday. Romily smiling for the camera as usual ... not!

Quite a bit of quilting was done over the weekend. I am very happy with how it's coming along. Not quite half way there, but am nearly finished with the stipple quilting, which has been going slower than a month of Sundays!

That's enough rambling from me. Might go try to catch up on a few blogs before I hit the sack.


  1. She is a cutie - smiling or not! Feel better soon!

  2. Anonymous10:34 pm

    Oh, those little pigtails are so cute! Hope you all feel better soon.

  3. Sorry you've all been under the weather, Lily. Especially hard with the gorgeous spring weather.

    We were in Canberra last week to pick up our new car at the Toyota dealer in Fishwyck, and it was just gorgeous.

    BTW, if you were buying a new sewing machine, where would you go? I'm thinking of a new Bernina, as my U.S. machine won't work Down Under.

  4. Anonymous3:18 am

    Hi Sweetie, I am doing pretty good I have a little out patient Surgery tomorrow but I should be home in the afternoon no staying over night for me which I am so happy about. Thanks for thinking about me, I miss Sammie girl but she is better off playing in heaven, she is probably up there herding all the other dogs. When I saw your title about the little one I got so excited and then you said it's your girl friend which is still pretty cool I love babies....Good friends of ours are having a little girl in January we are so excited for them, it's there first.. Well honey I had better get busy I am going to down load the Oregon pictures today so come and take a gander... Love Ya Tina

  5. Sorry to hear you have all been sick!

    Love those pigtails! She is such a sweetie!

  6. Hi Lily, boy, feels like I've been missing for about a million years! So sorry you've been attack by the "bugs" also. I'm slowly coming up and out of mine..thank goodness..*S*

    Adorable pics of Romy, as always..she's turning into a toddle right before our eyes.
    I did scroll down and was rewarded with your quilting pictures..*VBS* You are doing FABULOUS!! nothing wrong with those stitches..just keep quilting..it gets better and better.
    Hope you found what you needed to mark with..and if not let me suggest chalk in various colors. If you can make it a finer edge that works well for narrow lines. I think it's called Dressermakers chalk. I also have used a sliver of bar soap, like a white piece on dark colors. Even a fine pencil line on the lightest of fabrics can be quilted along and not show afterwards. Just don't mark it very dark and kind of mark just the section you are working on that time.
    Stippling lines show pretty well in chalk and if you change your mind, you can brush them off. Hope that helps, Hugs, Finn

  7. Her pigtails are priceless!


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