Saturday, August 19, 2006

Stash splash

Well, it's not really what you could call a 'stash' per se, but it's mine! I bought some fabric today to add to my very small collection, as my favourite quilting shop had it's mid-year sale (finishing today).

I bought 2.5 metres of two gorgeous fabrics - 50% off - who could blame me? And a metre of backing fabric (the green stuff). All for 'future' projects!!

I also bought a metre of some Christmas feature fabric as well as half a metre of some matching fabrics. I'm thinking of doing a table mat for my father-in-law, parents and sister-in-law for Christmas. Better get my skates on - it's only four months away!

Little Romily has been driving us up the wall this week. We think more teeth are on their way (molars), but who would know? She is constantly whinging and wanting to be picked up. When you do pick her up she pushes away and we're also getting very regular baby tantrums. Lovely!

She has mastered a new trick though. She can now stand alone for a few seconds, which she does regularly - especially when she thinks we're not watching. Funny child. Here's a photo of her with my mum and dad when they were up her for Romily's birthday. (Check out the gorgeous hand-knitted jumper Romy's wearing - cleverly made by Grandma!)


  1. Those are some very lovely fabrics. I like the "just because" ones but being a cat lover I REALL like that Christmas cat stripe. Darn it, my Sept. 1st shopping list sure is getting longer cause I just gotta have me some of that fabric!

  2. Anonymous1:04 pm

    Hi Lily, were doing great we watched Jurasic Park tonight it was pretty good with the surround sound.:>) I love the jumper our little miss is wearing, your Mum is very talented with the needle.. How's work going?? Hugs Tina

  3. You always have to buy fabrics when there is a's a requirement! Excellent choices for the "stash". Love the christmas fabrics and I bet the border fabric will make a very nice runner.

    Lucky Romily that has a knitting Grandma! You know she's already one and she may be working tiowards her "terible two's" early. Hope the teeth come in soon. It's an odd comparison but my cat does the same thing...crys and crys to be scratched and held then turned to all arms and runs when you touch him! Maddening!


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